int QSget_basis_and_row_norms_array (QSprob p, char *cstat,
    char *rstat, double *rownorms)
/* p is an initialized QSprob, a handle to an existing LP problem  */

int rval, ncols, nrows;
char *cstat, *rstat;
double *rownorms;

ncols = QSget_colcount (p);
nrows = QSget_rowcount (p);

cstat = (char *) malloc (ncols * sizeof (char));
rstat = (char *) malloc (nrows * sizeof (char));
rownorms = (double *) malloc (nrows * sizeof (char));

rval = QSget_basis_and_row_norms_array (p, cstat, rstat, rownorms);
if (rval) {
    fprintf (stderr,
             "Could not get the basis+norms, error code %d\n", rval);
} else {
    /* The basis and norm information is stored in the arrays. */

free (cstat);
free (rstat);
free (rownorms);