Purpose |
Copy the current basis into arrays.
Synopsis |
int QSget_basis_array (QSprob p, char *cstat, char *rstat)
Arguments |
p |
a handle to an initialized problem. |
cstat |
returns an array specifying the status of each column (variable) in the basis; this field can be NULL , if it is not NULL it should point to an array of length at least ncols , the number of columns in the problem. |
rstat |
returns an array specifying the status of each row (constraint) in the basis; this field can be NULL , if it is not NULL it should point to an array of length at least nrows , the number of rows in the problem. |
Returns |
A zero value if the function terminated correctly, and a non-zero value if an error occurred.
Description |
The status of the columns (variables) in the basis are specified in the array cstat . Each entry in the cstat array is one of the following four values  | Value |  | Constant |  | Meaning |  | 0 |  | QS_COL_BSTAT_LOWER |  | Variable is non-basic, at lower bound |  | 1 |  | QS_COL_BSTAT_BASIC |  | Variable is basic |  | 2 |  | QS_COL_BSTAT_UPPER |  | Variable is non-basic, at upper bound |  | 3 |  | QS_COL_BSTAT_FREE |  | Variable is non-basic and free |
Similarly, the status of the rows (constraints) in the basis (that is, the status of the logical variables [either slack variables or artificial variables] corresponding to the rows) are specified in the array rstat . Each entry in the rstat array is one of the following two values  | Value |  | Constant |  | Meaning |  | 0 |  | QS_ROW_BSTAT_LOWER |  | Logical variable is non-basic, at lower bound |  | 1 |  | QS_ROW_BSTAT_BASIC |  | Logical variable is basic |  | 2 |  | QS_ROW_BSTAT_UPPER |  | Logical variable is non-basic, at upper bound |
Note that a logical variable has an associated upper bound only if it corresponds to a range constraint.
Example |
/* p is an initialized QSprob, a handle to an existing LP problem */
int rval, ncols, nrows;
char *cstat, *rstat;
ncols = QSget_colcount (p);
nrows = QSget_rowcount (p);
cstat = (char *) malloc (ncols * sizeof (char));
rstat = (char *) malloc (nrows * sizeof (char));
rval = QSget_basis_array (p, cstat, rstat);
if (rval) {
fprintf (stderr, "Could not get the basis, error code %d\n", rval);
} else {
/* The basis information is stored in the arrays. */
free (cstat);
free (rstat);