Purpose |
Copy the lower and upper bounds into arrays.
Synopsis |
int QSget_bounds (QSprob p, double *lower, double *upper)
Arguments |
p |
a handle to an initialized problem. |
lower |
returns the variable lower bounds as an array; this field can be NULL, if it is not NULL then it should point to an array of length at least ncols , the number of columns in the problem. |
upper |
returns the variable upper bounds as an array; this field can be NULL, if it is not NULL then it should point to an array of length at least ncols . |
Returns |
A zero value if the function terminated correctly, and a non-zero value if an error occurred.
Description |
This function returns the lower and upper bounds on all variables (if one of the two arrays is not needed, its argument can be set to NULL). The calling function must allocate the memory for the two arrays (unless they are set to NULL); the arrays should be of length at least ncols , the number of columns in the problem. If some variable does not have a lower bound, the corresponding value of lower will be set to -QS_MAXDOUBLE . Similarly, if some variable does not have an upper bound, the corresponding value of upper will be set to QS_MAXDOUBLE .
Example |
/* p is an initialized QSprob, a handle to an existing LP problem */
int j, rval, ncols;
double *lower, *upper;
ncols = QSget_colcount (p);
lower = (double *) malloc (ncols * sizeof (double));
upper = (double *) malloc (ncols * sizeof (double));
rval = QSget_bounds (p, lower, upper);
if (rval) {
fprintf (stderr, "could not obtain bounds, error code %d\n", rval);
} else {
for (j = 0; j < ncols; j++) {
if (lower[j] == -QS_MAXDOUBLE) {
printf ("-infinity");
} else {
printf ("%f", lower[j]);
printf (" <= Variable %d <= ", j);
if (upper[j] == QS_MAXDOUBLE) {
printf ("+infinity\n");
} else {
printf ("%f\n", upper[j]);
free (lower);
free (upper);