QSopt QSload_basis_and_row_norms_array QSopt > Callable Library > Function List
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Load a basis and dual steepest-edge norms.
int QSload_basis_and_row_norms_array (QSprob p, char *cstat,
    char *rstat, double *rownorms)
p a handle to an initialized problem.
cstat an array of length ncols, the number of columns in the problem; cstat[j] should specify the status of the jth column.
rstat an array of length nrows, the number of rows in the problem; rstat[i] should specify the status of the ith row.
rownorms an array of length nrows, the number of rows in the problem; rownorms[i] should specify the dual steepest-edge norm of the ith row.
A zero value if the function terminated correctly, and a non-zero value if an error occurred.

The format for the basis arrays cstat and rstat is given above in the description of the function QSget_basis_array. The values for rownorms should normally be obtained from an earlier call to QSget_basis_and_row_norms_array. Note that the row norms correspond to a particular basis; mixing a given set of row norms with an unmatched basis will most likely lead to poor results in later calls to QSopt_dual.

/* p is an initialized QSprob, a handle to an existing LP problem.  */
/* cstat and rstat are arrays containing the basis information,     */
/* and rownorms contains the dual steepest-edge norms for the rows. */

int rval;

rval = QSload_basis_and_row_norms_array (p, cstat, rstat, rownorms);
if (rval) {
   fprintf (stderr,
            "Could not load the basis+norms, error code %d\n", rval);
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Last Updated: November 2003