Purpose |
Pivot columns into the basis.
Synopsis |
int QSopt_pivotin_col (QSprob p, int ccnt, int *clist)
Arguments |
p |
a handle to an initialized problem. |
ccnt |
the number of columns to be pivoted into the basis. |
clist |
an array of length ccnt ; each entry specifies the index of a column (so a value between 0 and ncols - 1, where ncols is the number of columns in the problem). |
Returns |
A zero value if the function terminated correctly, and a non-zero value if an error occurred.
Description |
This function attempts to pivot into the current basis the columns specified in clist . The routine sequentially pivots in the columns. The leaving column in each pivot is a column (not one in the list) that results in the least movement from the current solution, chosen from among the columns that yield suitable pivot values.
Example |
/* p is an initialized QSprob, a handle to an existing LP problem. */
/* Pivot column 2 into the basis. */
int rval;
int collist[1] = { 2 };
rval = QSopt_pivotin_col (p, 1, collist);
if (rval) {
fprintf (stderr,
"QSopt_pivotin_col failed with return code %d\n", rval);