int QSopt_strongbranch (QSprob p, int ncand, int *candidatelist,
    double *xlist, double *down_vals, double *up_vals, int iterations,
    double objbound)
/* Assume p is a QSprob, a handle to an existing LP problem, that has */
/* been solved with one of the optimization routines.  All variables  */
/* in p will be considered as integer variables, and a candidate      */
/* for a branching variable will be determined using strong-          */
/* branching.  The index of the branching variable is the return      */
/* value of the code fragment.                                        */
/*                                                                    */
/* Assume x is an array containing the current solution to the LP;    */
/* it could be obtained using QSget_x_array ().                       */
/*                                                                    */
/* Assume ObjBound is the objective value of the best integer         */
/* solution known for the problem.                                    */

int rval, i, ncols, ncand, branch = -1;
int *candidatelist = (int *) NULL;
double *xlist, *down_vals, *up_vals;
double bestval;

ncols = QSget_colcount (p);

candidatelist = (int *) malloc (ncols * (sizeof(int));
xlist = (double *) malloc (ncols * (sizeof(double));

ncand = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ncols; i++) {
    t = x[i] - floor (x[i]);      /* t is the fractional part of x[i]  */
    if (t >= 0.1 && t <= 0.9) {   /* x[i] is at least 0.1 from integer */
        candidatelist[ncand] = i;
        xlist[ncand++] = x[i];

if (ncand == 0) {
    free (candidatelist);
    free (xlist);
    return -1;     

down_vals = (double *) malloc (ncand * sizeof(double));
up_vals = (double *) malloc (ncand * sizeof(double));

rval = QSopt_strongbranch (p, ncand, candidatelist, xlist, down_vals,
                           up_vals, 50, ObjBound);
if (rval) {
    fprintf (stderr, "QSopt_strongbranch failed, error code %d\n", rval);
} else {
    /* Select as a branching variable the candidate that maximizes the */
    /* the function 10*min + max, where min is the smaller of          */
    /* down_vals and up_vals, and max is the larger.                   */

    bestval = -QS_MAXDOUBLE;
    for (i = 0; i < ncand; i++) {
        if (down_vals[i] < up_vals[i]) {
            val = 10 * down_vals[i] + up_vals[i];
        } else {
            val = 10 * up_vals[i] + down_vals[i];
        if (val > bestval) {
            bestval = val;
            branch = candidatelist[i];

free (candidatelist);
free (xlist);
free (down_vals);
free (up_vals);

return branch;