TeX resources
- LaTeX Wikibook. Lots of good
stuff, and on line too.
- Grätzer's book and the 2nd edition of The LaTeX Companion are the best
references. (And until you write a book, you will probably only need Grätzer.)
Good basic advice.
(If you move up the tree here, you'll find further useful information.)
CTAN: the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network.
search CTAN.
exercise: A package for composing exercises. (Some hacking required to
get exactly what you will need; in fact I still cannot get it to do exactly
what I want.)
beamer: a highly recommended
tool for preparing a talk as a pdf file.
thesample.tex is a LaTeX preamble which should work for a UW
thesis. Things to note:
Do not attempt to set margin sizes, etc; these sort of things should be determined by
the document class.
For a thesis, use the book or the amsbook class (I prefer the look of the book class.)
The default margins and the like satisfy the
U. Waterloo thesis requirements.
Only load a package if you know what it does, and you actually need it.
- I have written useful computer programs in assembler, forth, logo, pascal, modula-2, C,
matlab, maple, perl, python, scheme, haskell and tex. Of all these, using tex was the
least pleasant. So if you run into a problem, I recommend that you try really hard to
find someone else's solution to it.
Figures: the following solutions are available.
- xfig: Runs under unix, steep learning curve (and even then it is a time sink) Any of the
following solutions is better.
- Postscript: i.e., write your own raw postcript (see the book "Mathematical
Illustrations" by Bill Casselman). This suggestion is not as silly as it sounds.
- inkscape: Runs on unix, windows, macs.
- OmniGraffle: a shareware program for the mac which works well for simple diagrams.
It covers most, but not all, of my needs. Touchdraw is much cheaper and seems to be
a good substitute.
- tikz:
This is a programming language that outputs a tex file (so it works on any
platform). The learning curve is comparable to xfig. Very well documented.
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