Friday, May 7, 2010 |
Pólya's Theorem with Zeros |
Let R[X] := R[X1,…,Xn]. Pólya's Theorem says that if a form (homogeneous polynomial) p\in R[X] is positive on the standard n-simplex Δn, then for sufficiently large N all the coefficients of (X1+...+ Xn)Np are positive. In 2001, the speaker and B. Reznick gave a bound on the N needed, in terms of the degree of p, the coefficients, and the minimum of p on Δn. This quantitative Pólya's Theorem has been used in many applications, in both pure and applied mathematics. This talk concerns work, jointly with M. Castle and B. Reznick, which is the culmination of a project to understand when P´olya's Theorem holds for forms if the condition "positive on Δn" is relaxed to "nonnegative on Δn". Using a certain "localized" Pólya's Theorem we are able to completely characterize such forms and to give a bound on the N needed. |