Diana Skrzydlo
About Me
I'm a Continuing Lecturer in the department of Statistics and Actuarial Science and current Director of the MActSc program.
My research interests include statistical and actuarial science education and I have a teaching blog that outlines some of my techniques and research.
Contact Info
- Email: dkchisho AT uwaterloo DOT ca or diana DOT skrzydlo AT uwaterloo DOT ca
- Phone: (519) 888-4567 x36721
- Office: M3 3144
- Office hours for Winter 2019: Wednesdays 1:30 - 2:30
- Associate of the Society of Actuaries
- Certificate in University Teaching, Centre for Teaching Excellence, University of Waterloo
- Master of Mathematics, Actuarial Science, University of Waterloo
- Bachelor of Mathematics, Honours Co-op Actuarial Science with Vocal Music Minor, University of Waterloo
Publications and Presentations Given
Please see my OpenScholar website at https://uwaterloo.ca/scholar/dkchisho
Winter 2019
- ACTSC 455/855 Section 001
Fall 2018
- STAT 230 (CS Section)
- ACTSC 895 Section 001
Spring 2018
- ACTSC 635 Section 001
- STAT 333 Section 001
Winter 2018
- ACTSC 232 Section 001
- ACTSC 455/855 Section 001
Fall 2017
- STAT 230 (CS section)
- STAT 334 Section 001
Spring 2017
Winter 2017
Fall 2016
- STAT 443 Section 001
- STAT 230 CS section
Spring 2016
- ACTSC 635 Section 001
- STAT 443 Section 001
Winter 2016
- ACTSC 455/855 Section 001
- STAT 230 Section 001 (CS section)
Fall 2015
- STAT 334 Section 001
- STAT 230 Section 002 (CS section)
Spring 2015
- STAT 334 Section 001
- STAT 230 Section 003 (CS section)
Winter 2015
- ACTSC 455/855 Section 001
- STAT 443 Section 001
Fall 2014
Spring 2014
- ACTSC 331 Section 001
- STAT 333 Section 001
Winter 2014
- ACTSC 455/855 Section 001
- ACTSC 622 Section 001
Fall 2012
Spring 2012
Winter 2012
Fall 2011
- ACTSC 613 Section 001
- STAT 333 Section 001 - Lecture Blog
- MATH 670 and 671 Section 001
Spring 2010
- ACTSC 232 Section 001
- STAT 333 Section 001
Winter 2010
Fall 2009
- ACTSC 231 Sections 001 and 002
- ACTSC 613 Section 001
Spring 2009
- STAT 430/830 Section 001
- STAT 333 Section 001
Winter 2009
Spring 2008
- STAT 230 Sections 001 and 002 (Co-ordinator)
- STAT 333 Section 001
Winter 2008
- STAT 230 Sections 002 and 003
- STAT 331/361 Section 002
Fall 2007
- STAT 230 Sections 001 and 002
- MATH 135 Section 009 - Website
Last Updated Jan 12, 2019