In some areas, such as mathematics or logic, results of some process can be known with certainty (e.g., 2+3=5). Most real life situations, however, involve variability and uncertainty. For example, it is uncertain whether it will rain tomorrow; the price of a given stock a week from today is uncertain Note_1 ; the number of claims that a car insurance policy holder will make over a one-year period is uncertain. Uncertainty or "randomness" (meaning variability of results) is usually due to some mixture of two factors: (1) variability in populations consisting of animate or inanimate objects (e.g., people vary in size, weight, blood type etc.), and (2) variability in processes or phenomena (e.g., the random selection of 6 numbers from 49 in a lottery draw can lead to a very large number of different outcomes; stock or currency prices fluctuate substantially over time).
Variability and uncertainty make it more difficult to plan or to make decisions. Although they cannot usually be eliminated, it is however possible to describe and to deal with variability and uncertainty, by using the theory of probability. This course develops both the theory and applications of probability.
It seems logical to begin by defining probability. People have attempted to do this by giving definitions that reflect the uncertainty whether some specified outcome or ``event" will occur in a given setting. The setting is often termed an ``experiment" or ``process" for the sake of discussion. To take a simple ``toy" example: it is uncertain whether the number 2 will turn up when a 6-sided die is rolled. It is similarly uncertain whether the Canadian dollar will be higher tomorrow, relative to the U.S. dollar, than it is today. Three approaches to defining probability are:
The classical definition: Let the sample space (denoted by ) be the set of all possible distinct outcomes to an experiment. The probability of some event is provided all points in are equally likely. For example, when a die is rolled the probability of getting a 2 is because one of the six faces is a 2.
The relative frequency definition: The probability of an event is the proportion (or fraction) of times the event occurs in a very long (theoretically infinite) series of repetitions of an experiment or process. For example, this definition could be used to argue that the probability of getting a 2 from a rolled die is .
The subjective probability definition: The probability of an
event is a measure of how sure the person making the statement is that the
event will happen. For example, after considering all available data, a
weather forecaster might say that the probability of rain today is 30% or
Unfortunately, all three of these definitions have serious
Classical Definition:
What does "equally likely" mean? This appears to use the concept of
probability while trying to define it! We could remove the phrase "provided
all outcomes are equally likely", but then the definition would clearly be
unusable in many settings where the outcomes in
did not tend to occur equally often.
Relative Frequency Definition:
Since we can never repeat an experiment or process indefinitely, we can never
know the probability of any event from the relative frequency definition. In
many cases we can't even obtain a long series of repetitions due to time,
cost, or other limitations. For example, the probability of rain today can't
really be obtained by the relative frequency definition since today can't be
repeated again.
Subjective Probability:
This definition gives no rational basis for people to agree on a right answer. There is some controversy about when, if ever, to use subjective probability except for personal decision-making. It will not be used in Stat 230.
These difficulties can be overcome by treating probability as a mathematical system defined by a set of axioms. In this case we do not worry about the numerical values of probabilities until we consider a specific application. This is consistent with the way that other branches of mathematics are defined and then used in specific applications (e.g., the way calculus and real-valued functions are used to model and describe the physics of gravity and motion).
The mathematical approach that we will develop and use in the remaining
chapters assumes the following:
probabilities are numbers between 0 and 1 that apply to outcomes, termed ``events'',
each event may or may not occur in a given setting.
Chapter 2 begins by specifying the mathematical framework for probability in
more detail.
Try to think of examples of probabilities you have encountered which might have been obtained by each of the three ``definitions".
Which definitions do you think could be used for obtaining the following probabilities?
You have a claim on your car insurance in the next year.
There is a meltdown at a nuclear power plant during the next 5 years.
A person's birthday is in April.
Give examples of how probability applies to each of the following areas.
Lottery draws
Auditing of expense items in a financial statement
Disease transmission (e.g. measles, tuberculosis, STD's)
Public opinion polls
Consider some phenomenon or process which is repeatable, at least in theory, and suppose that certain events (outcomes) are defined. We will often term the phenomenon or process an ``experiment" and refer to a single repetition of the experiment as a ``trial". Then the probability of an event , denoted , is a number between 0 and 1.
If probability is to be a useful mathematical concept, it should possess some other properties. For example, if our ``experiment'' consists of tossing a coin with two sides, Head and Tail, then we might wish to consider the events = ``Head turns up'' and = ``Tail turns up''. It would clearly not be desirable to allow, say, and , so that . (Think about why this is so.) To avoid this sort of thing we begin with the following definition.
A sample space is a set of distinct outcomes for an experiment or process, with the property that in a single trial, one and only one of these outcomes occurs. The outcomes that make up the sample space are called sample points.
A sample space is part of the probability model in a given setting. It is not
necessarily unique, as the following example shows.
Example: Roll a 6-sided die, and define the events
Then we could take the sample space as
However, we could also define events
even number turns up | |
odd number turns up |
Sample spaces may be either discrete or non-discrete; is discrete if it consists of a finite or countably infinite set of simple events. The two sample spaces in the preceding example are discrete. A sample space consisting of all the positive integers is also, for example, discrete, but a sample space consisting of all positive real numbers is not. For the next few chapters we consider only discrete sample spaces. This makes it easier to define mathematical probability, as follows.
Let be a discrete sample space. Then probabilities are numbers attached to the 's such that the following two conditions hold:
The set of values
is called a probability distribution on
An event in a discrete sample space is a subset If the event contains only one point, e.g. we call it a simple event. An event made up of two or more simple events such as is called a compound event.
Our notation will often not distinguish between the point and the simple event which has this point as its only element, although they differ as mathematical objects. The condition (2) in the definition above reflects the idea that when the process or experiment happens, some event in must occur (see the definition of sample space). The probability of a more general event (not necessarily a simple event) is then defined as follows:
The probability
of an event
is the sum of the probabilities for all the simple events that make up
For example, the probability of the compound event
The definition of probability does not say what numbers to assign to the
simple events for a given setting, only what properties the numbers must
possess. In an actual situation, we try to specify numerical values that make
the model useful; this usually means that we try to specify numbers that are
consistent with one or more of the empirical ``definitions'' of Chapter
Example: Suppose a 6-sided die is rolled, and let the sample space be , where means the number 1 occurs, and so on. If the die is an ordinary one, we would find it useful to define probabilities as because if the die were tossed repeatedly (as in some games or gambling situations) then each number would occur close to of the time. However, if the die were weighted in some way, these numerical values would not be so useful.
Note that if we wish to consider some compound event, the probability is
easily obtained. For example, if
= ``even number" then because
we get
We now consider some additional examples, starting with some simple ``toy" problems involving cards, coins and dice and then considering a more scientific example.
Remember that in using probability we are actually constructing mathematical models. We can approach a given problem by a series of three steps:
Specify a sample space .
Assign numerical probabilities to the simple events in .
For any compound event , find by adding the probabilities of all the simple events that make up .
Many probability problems are stated as ``Find the probability that ...''. To
solve the problem you should then carry out step (2) above by assigning
probabilities that reflect long run relative frequencies of occurrence of the
simple events in repeated trials, if possible.
has few points, one of the easiest methods for finding the probability of an
event is to list all outcomes. In many problems a sample space
with equally probable simple events can be used, and the first few examples
are of this type.
Example: Draw 1 card from a standard well-shuffled deck
(13 cards of each of 4 suits - spades, hearts, diamonds, clubs). Find the
probability the card is a club.
Solution 1: Let
= { spade, heart, diamond, club}. (The points of
are generally listed between brackets {}.) Then
has 4 points, with 1 of them being "club", so
Solution 2: Let
= {each of the 52 cards}. Then 13 of the 52 cards are clubs, so
Note 1: A sample space is not necessarily unique, as
mentioned earlier. The two solutions illustrate this. Note that in the first
solution the event
= "the card is a club" is a simple event, but in the second it is a compound
Note 2: In solving the problem we have assumed that each
simple event in
is equally probable. For example in Solution 1 each simple event has
This seems to be the only sensible choice of numerical value in this setting.
Note 3: The term "odds" is sometimes used. The odds of an
event is the probability it occurs divided by the probability it does not
occur. In this card example the odds in favour of clubs are 1:3; we could also
say the odds against clubs are 3:1.
Example: Toss a coin twice. Find the probability of getting 1 head. (In this course, 1 head is taken to mean exactly 1 head. If we meant at least 1 head we would say so.)
Solution 1: Let and assume the simple events each have probability . (If your notation is not obvious, please explain it. For example, means head on the toss and tails on the .) Since 1 head occurs for simple events and , we get (1 head) = .
Solution 2: Let
= { 0 heads, 1 head, 2 heads } and assume the simple events each have
head) =
9 tosses of two coins
Which solution is right? Both are mathematically "correct". However, we want a solution that is useful in terms of the probabilities of events reflecting their relative frequency of occurrence in repeated trials. In that sense, the points in solution 2 are not equally likely. The outcome 1 head occurs more often than either 0 or 2 heads in actual repeated trials. You can experiment to verify this (for example of the nine replications of the experiment in Figure coins, 2 heads occurred 2 of the nine times, 1 head occurred 6 of the 9 times. For more certainty you should replicate this experiment many times. You can do this without benefit of coin at So we say solution 2 is incorrect for ordinary physical coins though a better term might be "incorrect model". If we were determined to use the sample space in solution 2, we could do it by assigning appropriate probabilities to each point. From solution 1, we can see that 0 heads would have a probability of , 1 head , and 2 heads . However, there seems to be little point using a sample space whose points are not equally probable when one with equally probable points is readily available.
Example: Roll a red die and a green die. Find the
probability the total is 5.
Solution: Let
represent getting
on the red die and
on the green die.
Then, with these as simple events, the sample space is
The sample points giving a total of 5 are (1,4) (2,3) (3,2), and (4,1).
(total is 5) =
Example: Suppose the 2 dice were now identical red dice.
Find the probability the total is 5.
Solution 1: Since we can no longer distinguish between and , the only distinguishable points in are :
Using this sample space, we get a total of from points and only. If we assign equal probability to each point (simple event) then we get (total is 5) = .
At this point you should be suspicious since . The colour of the dice shouldn't have any effect on what total we get, so this answer must be wrong. The problem is that the 21 points in here are not equally likely. If this experiment is repeated, the point (1, 2) occurs twice as often in the long run as the point (1,1). The only sensible way to use this sample space would be to assign probability weights to the points and to the points for . Of course we can compare these probabilities with experimental evidence. On the website you may throw dice up to 10,000 times and record the results. For example on 1000 throws of two dice (see Figure 2dice), there were 121 occasions when the sum of the values on the dice was 5, indicating the probability is around 121/1000 or 0.121 This compares with the true probability
Results of 1000 throws of 2
A more straightforward
Solution 2: Pretend the dice can be distinguished even
though they can't. (Imagine, for example, that we put a white dot on one die,
or label one of them 1 and the other as 2.) We then get the same 36 sample
points as in the example with the red die and the green die.
But, you argue, the dice were identical, and you cannot distinguish them! The
laws determining the probabilities associated with these two dice do not, of
course, know whether your eyesight is so keen that you can or cannot
distinguish the dice. These probabilities must be the same in either case. In
many cases, when objects are indistinguishable and we are interested in
calculating a probability, the calculation is made easier by pretending the
objects can be distinguished.
This illustrates a common
pitfall in using probability. When treating objects in an experiment as
distinguishable leads to a different answer from treating them as identical,
the points in the sample space for identical objects are usually not ``equally
likely" in terms of their long run relative frequencies. It is generally safer
to pretend objects can be distinguished even when they can't be, in order to
get equally likely sample points.
While the method of finding probability by listing all the points in can be useful, it isn't practical when there are a lot of points to write out (e.g., if 3 dice were tossed there would be 216 points in ). We need to have more efficient ways of figuring out the number of outcomes in or in a compound event without having to list them all. Chapter 3 considers ways to do this, and then Chapter 4 develops other ways to manipulate and calculate probabilities.
To conclude this chapter, we remark that in some settings we rely on previous
repetitions of an experiment, or on scientific data, to assign numerical
probabilities to events. Problems 2.6 and 2.7 below illustrate this. Although
we often use "toy" problems involving things such as coins, dice and simple
games for examples, probability is used to deal with a huge variety of
practical problems. Problems 2.6 and 2.7, and many others to be discussed
later, are of this type.
Students in a particular program have the same 4 math profs. Two students in the program each independently ask one of their math profs for a letter of reference. Assume each is equally likely to ask any of the math profs.
List a sample space for this ``experiment''.
Use this sample space to find the probability both students ask the same prof.
List a sample space for tossing a fair coin 3 times.
What is the probability of 2 consecutive tails (but not 3)?
You wish to choose 2 different numbers from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. List all possible pairs you could obtain and find the probability the numbers chosen differ by 1 (i.e. are consecutive).
Four letters addressed to individuals , , and are randomly placed in four addressed envelopes, one letter in each envelope.
List a 24-point sample space for this experiment.
List the sample points belonging to each of the following events:
letter goes into the correct envelope'';
``no letters go into the correct envelopes'';
``exactly two letters go into the correct envelopes'';
``exactly three letters go into the correct envelopes''.
Assuming that the 24 sample points are equally probable, find the probabilities of the four events in (b).
Three balls are placed at random in three boxes, with no restriction on the
number of balls per box; list the 27 possible outcomes of this experiment.
Assuming that the outcomes are all equally probable, find the probability of
each of the following events:
``the first box is empty'';
``the first two boxes are empty'';
``no box contains more than one ball''.
Find the probabilities of events , and when three balls are placed at random in boxes .
Find the probabilities of events , and when balls are placed in boxes .
Diagnostic Tests. Suppose that in a large population some
persons have a specific disease at a given point in time. A person can be
tested for the disease, but inexpensive tests are often imperfect, and may
give either a ``false positive'' result (the person does not have the disease
but the test says they do) or a ``false negative'' result (the person has the
disease but the test says they do not).
In a random sample of 1000
people, individuals with the disease were identified according to a completely
accurate but expensive test, and also according to a less accurate but
inexpensive test. The results for the less accurate test were that
920 persons without the disease tested negative
60 persons without the disease tested positive
18 persons with the disease tested positive
2 persons with the disease tested negative.
Estimate the fraction of the population that has the disease and tests positive using the inexpensive test.
Estimate the fraction of the population that has the disease.
Suppose that someone randomly selected from the population tests positive using the inexpensive test. Estimate the probability that they actually have the disease.
Machine Recognition of Handwritten Digits. Suppose that you have an optical scanner and associated software for determining which of the digits an individual has written in a square box. The system may of course be wrong sometimes, depending on the legibility of the handwritten number.
Describe a sample space that includes points , where stands for the number actually written, and stands for the number that the machine identifies.
Suppose that the machine is asked to identify very large numbers of digits, of which occur equally often, and suppose that the following probabilities apply to the points in your sample space:
; |
; |
; |
for |
Give a table with probabilities for each point in . What fraction of numbers is correctly identified?