Date: Wed, 3 Feb 2021 12:20:57 -0500
From: Avrim Lazar 
Subject: Re: OHS one-pager

academic for me yes but really no.....i became a high school teacher mostly
because my party/drug life in university did not open many grad programs....i
did a PHd in Psychology of Education to find a way out of high school teaching
....i found teaching at a faculty of education was not so much better than
teaching high school so i left academe and went into policy work in the federal
government ...there i found the game i was born for...25 years of wonderful
opportunity playing at the leading ( sometimes bleeding) edges of policy in
Justice department , Agriculture policy , environmental policy and social many fantastic files/issues....( and i never let anyone know i had
a PHD) . After that the private sector: helping the forest industry avoid
crashing into the sunset and helping aquaculture around the world see the
sunrise.....never stopped skiing hiking canoeing etc married 3 times with 6 kids
3 grsndkids and no regrets. ...i picked up a meditation practice along the way
and that, along with Valerie the woman i love has paved my path to a very
settled feeling heading toward the next decade