Date: Wed, 3 Feb 2021 13:29:17 -0500
From: David Cooperberg 

Here is mine. btw, I try to keep this circulation list up to date. Rhona Katz
Day and Simon Fass have asked to be removed, so I am respecting their wishes; I
am tired of all the emails to Clive mailer-daemoning. A few others have been
email-silent since the outset, but I include them anyway. It will sate curiosity
to see who shows up tonight.

After college, I returned to Montr?al to work as a computer programmer (COBOL). I
spent 4 months travelling around Europe, then started University of Chicago
Business School, reconnecting with Evelyn, who had started the previous year.

I concentrated in Finance and International Business, and spent the next year in
Belgium at the University Catholique de Louvain, on an exchange program with UC.
Through that, I met my wife Mich?le.

The international bug bit me and I had visions of working 3 years in each of
London, Hong Kong, Paris and New York. I joined Royal Bank in their
international program, and so was back in Montreal 1974-76. My first assignment
out of the program took me to Toronto cosmopolitan by that time, but not what I
had in mind as international. Still, it was exciting as, after the Parti Quebecois
came into power, business kept flooding in from the east.

I did then move to RBC's New York office for 6 years. However, as my love for New
York increased, notwithstanding we actually were living in New Jersey, my view
of banking and bankers grew increasingly jaundiced. NJ was a good place to raise
kids but we decided that, when they left home, so would we. When our younger son
graduated high school, we moved to UES (Upper East Side of Manhattan), where we
have been the last 26 years.

I left RBC and did some boutique investment banking, hedge funding, consulting.
Someone recommended a small cleaning company to me as a consulting client. Short
end of the story is that I acquired the company in 2004 and that is where I have
been ever since.

I love travel, skiing, and all the wonderful attractions of New York none of which
have been available this last year. We were lucky to be able to spend 7 months
in Maine last year, and expect to be following that kind of life pattern going

In two weeks, Michele and I get our 2nd vaccinations. First priority is to go to
California we have not seen our older son, Matt, and his family in person since
(American) Thanksgiving 2019. Our younger son, Ben, lives in Philadelphia.
Jewish mother's dream, they both are doctors (one married to an MD and the other
to a PhD). As all grandparents can attest, kids are an investment; grandkids are
the dividends. We are really lucky to have 6 of the latter, ages 7 to 15.

Best regards