Oskar Brecher
Oskar Brecher
was a dear friend of mine (and my wife's) since we met in OHS in grade 9. We both came from Transylvania (Romania) where, it turns out, that we grew up just 50km apart. We stayed in touch continuously by phone and got together in person at least once a year. Last time we saw Oskar was in the Berkshires, where we spent a few days together in the summer before he passed away.
Oskar Brecher was a dear friend of mine (and my wife's) since we met in OHS in grade 9. We both came from Transylvania (Romania) where, it turns out, that we grew up just 50km apart. We stayed in touch continuously by phone and got together in person at least once a year. Last time we saw Oskar was in the Berkshires, where we spent a few days together in the summer before he passed away.
I don't plan to talk about Oskar tonight, but some might be interested in reading a couple of short Obits: