Date: Wed, 3 Feb 2021 16:03:31 -0500

from Tom Fodor


(A timed-reading yielded 1 minute 6 seconds. Sorry for being so loquacious?)
 *  due to excessive bridge and hearts games at the union (and an inadequate
    interest in five out of five subjects), flunked Calculus and French in
    McGill and was politely asked to leave the university
 *  toured for 3 years with a rock band based out of New York (don?t ask)
 *  went back to school, Arts this time
 *  on a mark-of-Zorro shaped trip in Europe (old, creaky Volkswagen bus,
    natch), on a whim married my best gal in Rome (Capitoline Hill, palazzo by
    Michelangelo) in cut-off jeans, not far from the spot where the
    previously-mentioned J. Caesar ran into trouble
 *  earned M.A. in Creative Writing at Concordia
 *  attempted to have some cute grand-children, but was informed that it wasn?t
    possible without first suffering through raising actual children
 *  decided that since the name Thomas Pynchon was already taken, there would be
    little profit in trying to make a living in that trade, so I did the
    next-most-natural linguistic thing and became a computer freak
 *  much windsurfing, x-country skiing and golf ensued
 *  have been a software developer for the last 40-odd years, occasionally
    making the effort to write user manuals (but, of course, nobody reads the
    f****** manual)
 *  retired this year because between short Montreal summers and Florida
    winters, I wasn?t playing enough golf

For anyone who?s interested, a Software Developer is Nature?s way of turning
excessive amounts of coffee and pizza into source-code...

A summary of what happens when you work late for decades: please see my website

And thank God I couldn?t pass Calculus?