Date: Thu, 4 Feb 2021 19:14:41 -0500
From: Gerry Mazin 

Karl, the sad reality regarding the Holocaust is that the Jewish community
living in Canada -- and likely in the US as well -- in 1945 largely tried to
expunge all public commentary. Vey self-conscious of what they perceived as
their own precarious and questioned role in Canada, I believe there was a secret
shame -- besides the mind-blowing ignorance -- that those that had perished had
in my Mother?s execrable words ?gone like lambs to the slaughter, without a fight?,
and reflected badly on Canadian Jews.

It really wasn?t until the Eichmann trial in 1961 and Wiesel?s book ?Night? (1960) that
the word Holocaust and full discussion of the horrors experienced became common
