"Marc Raboy, Dr.
Subject: Re: Strathcona

On Thu, 4 Feb 2021 at 10:56, Marc Raboy, Dr. <marc.raboy@mcgill.ca> wrote:

      I was in Strathcona in Grade 8. Coming from a Jewish day school
      outside the PSBGM system, I had a lot of adjustments to make so
      memories are vague. I *think* my homeroom teacher was Mr. Wenschlag,
      who may have taught us English? or maybe Math? or maybe ?Health?? Our Latin
      teacher was Miss Fajner. We had Mr. Ross for gym (he taught at both
      schools). I?m pretty sure Bernie Weinstein was in that class (Bernie,
      pls confirm?) because I remember there were three of us from JPS, me,
      Bernie and Lonny Gold (who I?ve also been in touch with a few times
      over the years, EVEN THOUGH he did not go on to the math class?).
      There were kids from Logan in that class but I don?t remember who they
      were except maybe Michael Tenenbaum (?) and Michael Sax and Ron
      Frankel (whose brother Scott had a rock band!). Also, I think Emil
      Lander was in that class (?). Possibly Phil Ackerman (?). Coming
      from JPS I wanted to hang out with kids who were as different as
      possible from where I?d come from and ended up being friendly with a
      lot of the rougher guys from Guy Drummond/Alfred Joyce, some of whom
      were older for having been held back along the way (Harvey
      Sheydwasser, Jack Wachtel, Brian Wexler, Larry Ross? especially Harvey
      and Jack who were probably my best friends that year). Apologies if
      any of this is garbled or incorrect - I don?t think I met most of you
      until Grade

      9?By the way, does anyone remember and know what happened to Oscar
      Skowronek? I was surprised that he was not on the list but he must
      have switched out of math at some point before Grade 11.

      Dr. Marc Raboy

      Beaverbrook Professor Emeritus in Ethics, Media and Communications

      Department of Art History and Communication Studies

      McGill University

      Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 0G5