Date: Thu, 4 Feb 2021 16:44:32 -0500
From: Michael Tenenbaum 


Thank you so much for this. I was the only child of Holocaust survivors who also
never allowed to discuss what happened during the Shoah. It was only after my
children went on the March of the Living that my mother actually talked to them,
not me, about some of her experiences. I was born in Paris because that was
where the DP camp my mother was sent to. In 2016 I went with about 30 of my
fellow society members on a 7 day trip to discover our roots in Poland and to
learn more that time. As I mentioned in my short bio, I have been very involved
for several years with dentists all over the United States and Canada trying to
improve the oral health of those remaining survivors. Karl, I can only repeat
what my mother would have said if she read your article. A real Mensch but with
a thick Yiddish accent.
