This is some highlights of significant events in Canadian history. Send us your suggestions for other events which should be included here. |
c. 30 000 B.C. | Aboriginals arrive on North American by travelling across a land bridge of the Bering Strait. |
c. 1000 A.D. | Leif Ericsson and other Vikings visit Newfoundland and Labrador. |
1492 |
![]() Christopher Columbus Timeline A Columbus Timeline. The First Voyage, 1492-1493. The Second Voyage, 1493-1496. The Third Voyage, 1498-1500. The Fourth Voyage, 1502-1504. |
1497 | John Cabot claims Cape Breton
Island for Henry VII of England.
John Cabot, Or Giovanni Caboto, to use his original, Italian name. It is likely that he was born around 1455 in Gaeta, near Naples, and was the son of a merchant. |
1498 | Cabot makes his second voyage to North America. |
1535 | French explorer, Jacques Cartier, gave Canada its name when he mistook the Indian word Kannata, meaning a collection of huts, for the name of the country. On the first voyage in 1534, he thoroughly explored the Gulf of St. Lawrence. He claimed the Gaspe Peninsula for France and took two (kidnapped?) Laurentain Iroquois home with him to learn French. white cedar saved the rest of the crew. On the second voyage in 1535 to 1536, he used the two Indian interpreter-guides to plot him up the St. Lawrence River to Stadacona which is now known as Quebec. Spending the winter in Stadacona, 25 of his crew members died from scurvy before the discovery of a brew of white cedar ( tea from plant Annedda thanks to the Algonquins (Iroquoians?)) saved the rest of the crew. |
1577 | Martin Frobisher of England makes the first of three attempts to find the northwest passage, sailing as far as Hudson Strait A narrow channel, separating Baffin Island from Qubec in northeastern Canada. The strait, about 640 kilometers long and about 100 kilometers wide, allows access to the Hudson Bay. |
1608 | Samuel de Champlain founds Quebec City. |
1663 | Quebec becomes a royal province. |
1666 | Canada's first census counts 3215 non-native inhabitants in 668 families. |
1670 | The Hudson's Bay Company is formed and granted trade rights over all territory draining into Hudson Bay. |
1701 | The beginning of the collapse of New France. |
1708 | Louisbourg Falls. |
1752 | March 23 issue of the Halifax Gazette, first newspaper in what would become Canada. |
1753 | General George Washington's military expedition to the Monogahela is defeated by the French. |
1759 | General Wolfe takes Quebec, defeating Montcalm on the Plains of Abraham. Both are killed. |
1763 | France cedes its North American posessions to Britain by the Treaty of Paris. |
1791 | the Constitution Act divides Quebec into Upper and Lower Canada. |
1812 | Since the war of 1812, Canada and the United States have lived in harmony along the 49th parallel - the longest undefended border in the world. In this war, the British and Canadians were victorious bringing heroes such as General Issac Brock to the forefront with the Queeston Heights, Stoney Creek, and Lundy's Lane battles. |
1836 | Opening of the first railway in Canada from La Prairie to St. Jean, Quebec. |
1841 | The Act of Union unites Upper and Lower Canada. |
1857 | Ottawa chosen by Queen Victoria as the capital of the united colony of Canada. |
1867 | Canada becomes a sovereign nation by an act of the British Parliament (the British North America Act). Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick are united as the Dominion of Canada. Sir John A. Macdonald becomes the first prime minister. |
1874 | Alexander Graham Bell invents basic concepts of the telephone in Brantford, Ontario. |
1875 | The Supreme Court of Canada is established. |
1885 | On November 7, the last spike is driven into the Canadian Pacific Railway in British Columbia. Canada is now linked by rail coast to coast. |
1893 | First car in Canada, an electric, built by Dixon Carriage Works, Toronto. |
1896 | Gold discovered in the Klondike. |
1909 | First flight in Canada of heavier-than-air machine, under its own power - McCurdy's Silver Dart. Also year of first Grey Cup game, to declare Canada's football champions. |
1917 | April, Canadians storm Vimy Ridge - the first time the Canadian army fought as a separate distinct unit. |
1919 | Prime Minister Borden is party to the Treaty of Versailles - the first time Canada signed an international treaty on its own. |
1923 | Nobel Prize awarded to Sir Frederick Banting and Dr. Charles Best for the discovery of insulin by the research team which they headed. |
1934 | The Dionne Quintuplets are born in Callandar, Ontario. |
1938 | US President Franklin D. Roosevelt becomes the first American president to visit Canada when he met with William Lyon Mackenzie King in Kingston. |
1939 | September 10, Canada declares war on Germany. |
1950 | Canada joins the war in Korea as part of the United Nations force. |
1955 | Canada's first subway opens in Toronto; Hurricaine Hazel hits Toronto. |
1960 | Prime Minister John Diefenbaker introduces Canada's first bill of rights. |
1965 | The new Canadian flag is unveiled on Parliament Hill, February 15. |
1967 | Centennial Celebrations throughout the country; Expo '67 in Montreal; French President Charles de Gaulle is told to leave the country after his "Vive Quebec Libre" speech. |
1970 | The FLQ kidnaps British Trade Commissioner James Cross and murders Immigration Minister Pierre Laporte leading to the October Crisis and the implementation of the War Measures Act. |
1973 | Royal Canadian Mounted Police celebrate their 100th year of service in Canada. |
1975 | The CN Tower in Toronto is completed - the tallest free-standing structure in the world at a height exceeding 550 metres. |
1980 | Quebec votes "no" to a sovereignty referendum; "O Canada" becomes the national anthem. |
1982 | Canadian Constitution is patriated to Canada - no longer requiring British approval for new laws. |
1984 | The Pope visits Canada; Marc Garneau becomes the first Canadian in space; Brian Mulroney's progressive conservative government wins the largest majority in Canadian history. |
1987 | A free vote in the House of Commons narrowly defeats the proposed restoration of capital punishment; the first Canada-US Free Trade Agreement is signed. |
1991 | Canadian troops participate in a supporting role with the Allied forces in the assault against Iraq. |
1993 | The progressive conservative government goes from the largest majority in the House of Commons in Canadian history to retaining only two seats. Jean Chrétien becomes prime minister. |
1994 | Canadian troops leave CFB Lahr in Germany, officially ending 27 years of Canadian service for NATO in Europe. |
1997 | Confederation Bridge officially opens to traffic between Prince Edward Island and the mainland. |
1999 | Canadian CF-18 fighter-bombers take part in NATO air strikes against Yugoslavia; Nunavut becomes Canada's newest territory. |