From the Fields:
We have booked rooms at
Journey's End, Days Inn, Knox College, and have an option
at Victoria.
We will ask for first choices on the
registration form and place people ourselves.
Potential participants have the option of
making their own reservations using the information below.
But the blocks are filled via the Fields.
Also, Becky Sappong, the Housing Coordinator, will place people in the bed
and breakfasts.
The list of Hotels and addresses follow:
Quality Hotel Midtown - Jouney's End
280 Bloor Street West
Toronto, ON
M5S 1V8
Phone: (416)968-0010
fax: (416)968-7765
Rates from $71/night
Days Inn
30 Carlton Street
Toronto, ON
M5B 2E9
Phone: (416)977-6655
fax: (416)977-0502
Rates from $79/night
Victoria Residence
140 Charles Street West
Toronto, ON
M5S 1K9
Phone: (416)585-4522
fax: (416)585-4530
Rates are from $29 per night. Shared baths, breakfast included.
Knox College
59 St. George Street
University of Toronto
M5S 1A1
Phone: (416) 978-4503
Rates are $25.00/day, $20.00/day for students. Shared baths.
There are also many
Bed and Breakfast Accomodations
around the University.
The prices range from $50 - $75 per night.
Toronto Bed and Breakfast Association
253 College Street
Toronto, ON
M5T 1R5
Contact Person: Marcia Getgood
Phone: (416)588-8800
fax: (416)690-5089