Special Issue in
J. of Combinatorial Optimization
Following the workshop, there will be a proceedings volume published by
AMS. In addition, there will be a special issue of J. of Combinatorial
Optimization for a few (6-7) selected papers. All papers will be fully refereed.
If you would like to submit your paper to the special issue of J. of
Combinatorial Optimization, please do so as soon as possible. The
deadline for this special issue is Sept. 1, 1996.
You can submit the paper by email or
by regular mail. (Email is preferred.)
The manuscripts submitted for the special issue of the Journal of
Combinatorial Optimization, should use the same LaTex style files as
for the Journal of Global Optimization, which are available through the
WWW (http://www.wkap.nl) or the Internet as follows:
ftp ftp.std.com (enter)
name: anonymous (enter)
password: (your e-mail address) (enter)
cd Kluwer/styles/journals (enter)
get README and other style files