related to the workshop

Novel Approaches to Hard Discrete Optimization

Thursday to Saturday April 26-28, 2001

Recent News and Developments

  1. From Thu Apr 13 10:25:49 2000
    exact solution of the nug28 quadratic assignment problem (QAP)
  2. From Fri Jun 16 17:12:08 2000
    exact solution of the "nug30" quadratic assignment problem (QAP)
  3. From: Peter M. Hahn,
    Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2000 11:52:19 -0500
    Subject: Krarup 30b (QAP) solved in 182 days.
  4. From: Yin Zhang,
    Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2000 23:28:31 -0600
    Maximum Stable Set Formulations and Heuristics Based on Continuous Optimization
  5. From:
    Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2000 04:40:32 -0600 (CST)
    Computational experience with Stable Set Relaxations
  6. From Tamas Terlaky, Sat Dec 23 11:09:15 2000
    1st Annual McMaster Optimization Conference
  7. 6th International Conference on High Performance Optimization Techniques (HPOPT 2001), Utrecht, The Netherlands, June 6-8, 2001.
  8. 7th SIAM Conference on Optimization will be held May 20-23, 2002 in Toronto, Canada.
  9. Max-Clique '01 Workshop, A workshop dedicated to maximum-clique and closely related graph problems. Dates: May 31 - June 3, 2001. Place: University of Klagenfurt, Austria. Organizers: F.Rendl, G.Gruber (Klagenfurt), I. Bomze, V. Stix (Vienna).
  10. A Novel Eigenvector Technique for VLSI Circuit Layout, research report, by Kucar-Behjat-Vannelli, at UofW DAG

  1. Announcement From Kurt Anstreicher Thu Apr 13 10:25:49 2000 Dear colleagues:
    We are pleased to announce the exact solution of the nug28 quadratic assignment problem (QAP). This problem was derived from the well-known nug30 problem (available from QAPLIB, using the distance matrix from a 4 by 7 grid, and the flow matrix from nug30 with the last 2 facilities deleted. The problem data is available from This is to our knowledge the largest instance from the nugxx series ever provably solved to optimality.

    The problem was solved using the branch-and-bound algorithm described in the paper "Solving quadratic assignment problems using convex quadratic programming relaxations," N.W. Brixius and K.M. Anstreicher, available at The algorithm was implemented using the Master-Worker (MW) distributed processing system (see, developed as a joint collaboration between researchers at the University of Wisconsin and Argonne National Labs as part of the MetaNEOS project (see

    The computation was performed on a pool of workstations using the Condor high-throughput computing system developed at the University of Wisconsin (see in a total wall time of approximately 4 days, 8 hours. During this time the number of active worker machines averaged approximately 200. Machines from the University of Wisconsin, the Albuquerque High Performance Computing Center, and the Italian Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) all participated in the computation. A total of 6.58E7 CPU seconds was expended by worker machines. The equivalent computation time on a single HP-C3000 workstation would be approximately 435 days.

    A permutation with an objective value of 5166 was found by the simulated annealing code of E. Taillard (available from The branch-and-bound computation was initialized with an incumbent objective value of 5167, and required 2,935,394,013 nodes. The B&B process verified that 5166 is the optimal value for the problem, and found the following permutation with this value:

    18 21 9 1 28 20 11 3 13 12 10 19 14 22 15 2 25 16 4 23 7 17 24 26 5 27 8 6

    Full details of the distributed branch-and-bound implementation using the MW system will be given in a paper under preparation.

    Kurt Anstreicher, University of Iowa
    Nathan Brixius, University of Iowa
    Jean-Pierre Goux, Northwestern University and Argonne National Labs
    Jeff Linderoth, Argonne National Labs

  2. Announcement From Kurt Anstreicher
    From Fri Jun 16 17:12:08 2000
    From: Kurt Anstreicher 
    Dear colleagues:
    We are pleased to announce the exact solution of the "nug30" quadratic
    assignment problem (QAP). This problem was first posed in the paper
    C.E. Nugent, T.E. Vollman, and J. Ruml, "An experimental comparison of
    techniques for the assignment of facilities to locations," Operations
    Research 16 (1968) pp. 150-173,
    and has long been considered an outstanding open "challenge problem" in the
    optimization literature. The problem data is available from QAPLIB
    The problem was solved using the branch-and-bound algorithm described
    in the paper "Solving quadratic assignment problems using convex
    quadratic programming relaxations," N.W. Brixius and K.M. Anstreicher,
    available at It was
    implemented using the Master-Worker (MW) distributed processing system
    developed in the metaNEOS project and described in the paper 
    "An enabling framework for master-worker computing applications on the
    computational grid," J.-P. Goux, S. Kulkarni, J. Linderoth, and M. Yoder,
    available from
    The computation was performed on a dynamic grid of workstations, massively
    parallel processors, and other CPUs using the Condor high-throughput
    computing system developed at the University of Wisconsin, together 
    with tools from the Globus toolkit. The total wall-clock time was 
    approximately 6.9 days. The number of worker machines averaged 
    approximately 650, and peaked at 1009. Machines from the following 
    institutions participated in the computation (listed in order of CPU 
    seconds contributed):
    University of Wisconsin, 
    Argonne National Laboratory, 
    Georgia Institute of Technology Interactive High Performance Computing
    National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA), 
    Italian Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), 
    Albuquerque High Performance Computing Center, 
    Northwestern University, 
    Columbia University. 
    A total of 3.46E8 CPU seconds was expended by worker machines. The
    equivalent computation time on a single HP-C3000 workstation would be
    approximately 6.9 years.
    According to QAPLIB a permutation with an objective value of 6124 was first 
    obtained by J. Skorin-Kapov, see
    J. Skorin-Kapov, "Tabu search applied to the quadratic assignment problem," 
    ORSA J. Computing 2 (1990), pp. 33-45.
    The branch-and-bound computation was initialized with an incumbent
    objective value of 6126, and required 11,892,208,412 nodes. The B&B
    process verified that 6124 is the optimal value for the problem, and
    found the following permutation with this value:
    Full details of the distributed branch-and-bound implementation
    using the MW system will be given in a paper under preparation.
    Further information can be found at the following URLs:
    MW :
    We are extremely grateful to Steve Wright of Argonne National Lab, and
    Miron Livny of the University of Wisconsin, for their ongoing support of
    this research.
    Kurt Anstreicher, University of Iowa
    Nathan Brixius,   University of Iowa
    Jean-Pierre Goux, Northwestern University and Argonne National Lab
    Jeff Linderoth,   Argonne National Lab

  3. Announcement From: Peter M. Hahn,
    Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2000 11:52:19 -0500
    Subject: Krarup 30b solved in 182 days.
    Dear Colleagues,
    The Krarup 30b instance of the Quadratic Assignment Problem was just
    solved at the University of Pennsylvania using the dual procedure
    branch-and-bound algorithm (Hahn-Grant bound) in the equivalent of 182
    days (15,737,136 seconds) on a single cpu HP-3000 workstation.   Actual
    runtimes were;
    13,806,183 seconds on the HP-3000
      3,861,905 seconds on a 350 MHz UltraSparc 10 (about 1/2 as fast as the
    A total of 183,659,980 nodes were evaluated.
    This compares to the parallel solution of this problem instance by
    Kurt Anstreicher, University of Iowa
    Nathan Brixius,   University of Iowa
    Jean-Pierre Goux, Northwestern University and Argonne National Lab
    Jeff Linderoth,   Argonne National Lab
    which took the equivalent of 2.7 years on a single cpu HP-3000
    workstation and required the evaluation of 5,136,036,412 nodes.
    Peter Hahn
    Systems Engineering Department
    School of Engineering and Applied Science
    Monique Guignard-Spielberg
    Operations and Information Management Department
    The Wharton School

  4. From: Yin Zhang, Mon Dec 18 10:09:43 2000
    Announcing the technical report:
      Maximum Stable Set Formulations and Heuristics
           Based on Continuous Optimization
    By Sam Burer, Renato Monteiro, Yin Zhang
    Technical Report TR00-34
    Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics,
    Rice University, Houston, Texas 77005
    The postscript file can be obtained from:
    Thank you.
    -- Yin Zhang
    The stability number for a given graph $G$ is the size of a maximum
    stable set in $G$.  The Lovasz theta number provides an upper bound on
    the stability number and can be computed as the optimal value of the
    Lovasz semidefinite program.  In this paper, we show that restricting
    the matrix variable in the Lovasz semidefinite program to be rank-one
    or rank-two yields a pair of continuous, nonlinear optimization
    problems each having the global optimal value equal to the stability
    number.  We propose heuristics for obtaining large stable sets in $G$
    based on these new formulations and present computational results
    indicating the effectiveness of the heuristics.

  5. From Gerald Gruber,
    Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2000 04:40:32 -0600 (CST)
    Announcing a new report....
    Computational experience with Stable Set Relaxations
    Gerald Gruber, Franz Rendl 
    Research Report, Department of Mathematics,
    University of Klagenfurt, Austria, December 2000
    We investigate relaxations for the maximum stable set
    problem based on the Lov$\acute{{\rm a}}$sz number 
    $\vartheta (G)$ as an initial upper bound.  
    We strengthen this relaxation by adding two
    classes of cutting planes, odd circuit and triangle 
    inequalities.  We present computational results using 
    this tighter model on many classes of graphs. 
    URL of the dvi file: -
    URL of the ps file:

    From Tamas Terlaky, Sat Dec 23 11:09:15 2000
    Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 23:42:06 -0500
    Subject: Conference announcement
      1st Annual McMaster Optimization Conference:
                Theory and Applications
                      (MOPTA 01)
          August 2-4, 2001, McMaster University
                Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
    The 1st annual McMaster Optimization Conference, (MOPTA 01)
    will be held at the campus of McMaster University. It will
    be hosted by the Advanced Optimization Lab at the
    Department of Computing and Software.
    The conference is planned as an annual event aiming to
    bring together a diverse group of people from both discrete
    and continuous optimization, working on both theoretical
    and applied aspects. The format will consist of a small
    number of invited talks from distinguished speakers and a
    set of selected contributed talks, spread over three days
    with no parallel sessions. Our target is to present a
    diverse set of exciting new developments from different
    optimization areas while at the same time providing a
    setting which will allow increased interaction among the
    participants. We aim to bring together researchers from
    both the theoretical and applied communities who do not
    usually get the chance to interact in the framework of a
    medium-scale event.
    Distinguished guests will give one-hour long invited talks.
    Confirmed invited speakers include:
           John Dennis (Rice University)
           Michael Todd (Cornell University)
           Lieven Vandenberghe (UCLA)
           David Williamson (IBM Almaden)
    Contributions are solicited for presentation at the conference.
    Each accepted paper will be alloted a 25 minute talk.
    Presentation of recent results is encouraged. Authors wishing
    to speak at the conference should submit the abstract on which
    the talk will be based, in ASCII or LaTex source, to
                by April 30, 2001.
    Please use "MOPTA" in the email subject line.
    All decisions on acceptance will be made after the closing day of April
    30, 2001. A preliminary program will be available before the end of May.
    The Organizing Committee
    Tamas Terlaky, (Chair)
    Stavros Kolliopoulos (CAS, McMaster University)
    Tom Luo (ECE, McMaster University)
    Henry Wolkowicz (Comb. Opt. University of Waterloo)
    Prof. Tamas  Terlaky
    Department of Computing and Software, Office: JHE/214
    McMaster University
    Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, L8S 4L7
    Phone: +1-905 525-9140 ext. 27780, FAX: +1-905 524-0340
    A new journal OPTIMIZATION AND ENGINEERING is established
    The first issue is on the WEB! Please look at the home page:

Back to workshop home page , by Henry Wolkowicz