This directory contains matlab and fortran programs for linear programming.
There are several examples as well.
(It appears that they run well on matlab 5, but have a conflict with
matlab 4.)
The file    simplex.m    contains a program that solves the linear programming
problem. To use this you can try the following:

The first line invokes matlab. The second line initiates the data
contained in the file   ex1.m
The third line calls the program in file    simplex.m

You can copy these files to your own matlab directory and run the
program there. Note that you will need the file   reg.m
as well as   simplex.m

The file   pivot.m    contains a pivoting program which allows you
to decide which column and row to pivot on. You can enter
help pivot  to get more information.

The file main.m is an old version of simplex.m and may contain bugs.
Note that there were some conflicts with the new version of matlab. This
should have been resolved in simplex.m.