time | Calls | line |
| | 167 | function [c,indA,indC] = uniqueR2012a(a,options)
| | 168 | % 'R2012a' flag implementaion
| | 169 |
| | 170 | % flagvals = {'rows' 'first' 'last' 'sorted' 'stable'};
< 0.001 | 2 | 171 | if nargin == 1
< 0.001 | 2 | 172 | byrow = false;
< 0.001 | 2 | 173 | order = 'sorted';
| | 174 | else
| | 175 | byrow = (options(1) > 0);
| | 176 | if options(5) > 0
| | 177 | order = 'stable';
| | 178 | elseif options(3) > 0
| | 179 | order = 'last';
| | 180 | else % if options(4) > 0 || options(2) || sum(options(2:5) == 0)
| | 181 | order = 'sorted'; %'first' and 'sorted' do the same thing
| | 182 | end
| 2 | 183 | end
| | 184 |
| | 185 | % Determine if A is a row vector.
< 0.001 | 2 | 186 | rowvec = isrow(a);
| | 187 |
< 0.001 | 2 | 188 | if ~byrow % default case
| | 189 |
| | 190 | % Convert to column
< 0.001 | 2 | 191 | a = a(:);
< 0.001 | 2 | 192 | numelA = numel(a);
| | 193 |
| | 194 | % Sort A and get the indices if needed.
| 2 | 195 | isSortedA = false;
< 0.001 | 2 | 196 | if isnumeric(a) && ~isobject(a)
< 0.001 | 2 | 197 | isSortedA = issorted(a);
| 2 | 198 | end
| | 199 |
< 0.001 | 2 | 200 | if nargout > 1 || strcmp(order, 'stable')
| | 201 | if isSortedA
| | 202 | sortA = a;
| | 203 | indSortA = (1:numelA)';
| | 204 | else
| | 205 | [sortA,indSortA] = sort(a);
| | 206 | end
< 0.001 | 2 | 207 | else
< 0.001 | 2 | 208 | if isSortedA
| | 209 | sortA = a;
< 0.001 | 2 | 210 | else
0.046 | 2 | 211 | sortA = sort(a);
< 0.001 | 2 | 212 | end
< 0.001 | 2 | 213 | end
| | 214 |
| | 215 | % groupsSortA indicates the location of non-matching entries.
< 0.001 | 2 | 216 | if isnumeric(sortA) && (numelA > 1)
0.008 | 2 | 217 | dSortA = diff(sortA);
< 0.001 | 2 | 218 | if (isnan(dSortA(1)) || isnan(dSortA(numelA-1)))
| | 219 | groupsSortA = sortA(1:numelA-1) ~= sortA(2:numelA);
< 0.001 | 2 | 220 | else
0.002 | 2 | 221 | groupsSortA = dSortA ~= 0;
< 0.001 | 2 | 222 | end
| | 223 |
| | 224 | else
| | 225 | groupsSortA = sortA(1:numelA-1) ~= sortA(2:numelA);
| 2 | 226 | end
| | 227 |
< 0.001 | 2 | 228 | if (numelA ~= 0)
< 0.001 | 2 | 229 | if strcmp(order, 'last')
| | 230 | groupsSortA = [groupsSortA; true]; % Final element is always a member of unique list.
< 0.001 | 2 | 231 | else % if (strcmp(order, 'sorted') || strcmp(order, 'stable'))
0.001 | 2 | 232 | groupsSortA = [true; groupsSortA]; % First element is always a member of unique list.
< 0.001 | 2 | 233 | end
| | 234 | else
| | 235 | groupsSortA = zeros(0,1);
< 0.001 | 2 | 236 | end
| | 237 |
| | 238 | % Extract unique elements.
< 0.001 | 2 | 239 | if strcmp(order, 'stable')
| | 240 | invIndSortA = indSortA;
| | 241 | invIndSortA(invIndSortA) = 1:numelA; % Find inverse permutation.
| | 242 | logIndA = groupsSortA(invIndSortA); % Create new logical by indexing into groupsSortA.
| | 243 | c = a(logIndA); % Create unique list by indexing into unsorted a.
< 0.001 | 2 | 244 | else
0.005 | 2 | 245 | c = sortA(groupsSortA); % Create unique list by indexing into sorted list.
< 0.001 | 2 | 246 | end
| | 247 |
| | 248 | % Find indA.
< 0.001 | 2 | 249 | if nargout > 1
| | 250 | if strcmp(order, 'stable')
| | 251 | indA = find(logIndA); % Find the indices of the unsorted logical.
| | 252 | else
| | 253 | indA = indSortA(groupsSortA); % Find the indices of the sorted logical.
| | 254 | end
| | 255 | end
| | 256 |
| | 257 | % Find indC.
< 0.001 | 2 | 258 | if nargout == 3
| | 259 | groupsSortA = full(groupsSortA);
| | 260 | if numelA == 0
| | 261 | indC = zeros(0,1);
| | 262 | else
| | 263 | switch order
| | 264 | case 'last'
| | 265 | indC = cumsum([1;groupsSortA(1:end-1)]); % Lists position, starting at 1.
| | 266 | indC(indSortA) = indC; % Re-reference indC to indexing of sortA.
| | 267 | case 'sorted'
| | 268 | indC = cumsum(groupsSortA); % Lists position, starting at 1.
| | 269 | indC(indSortA) = indC; % Re-reference indC to indexing of sortA.
| | 270 | otherwise % 'stable'
| | 271 | [~,indSortC] = sort(c); % Sort C to get index.
| | 272 |
| | 273 | lengthGroupsSortA = diff(find([groupsSortA; true])); % Determine how many of each of the above indices there are in IC.
| | 274 |
| | 275 | diffIndSortC = diff(indSortC); % Get the correct amount of each index.
| | 276 | diffIndSortC = [indSortC(1); diffIndSortC];
| | 277 |
| | 278 | indLengthGroupsSortA = cumsum([1; lengthGroupsSortA]);
| | 279 | indLengthGroupsSortA(end) = [];
| | 280 |
| | 281 | indCOrderedBySortA(indLengthGroupsSortA,1) = diffIndSortC; % Since indCOrderedBySortA is not already established as a column,
| | 282 | if sum(lengthGroupsSortA) ~= length(indCOrderedBySortA); % This is false if all the elements in A originally were unique and
| | 283 | indCOrderedBySortA(sum(lengthGroupsSortA),1) = 0; % true if the original A had duplicates.
| | 284 | end
| | 285 |
| | 286 | indCOrderedBySortA = cumsum(indCOrderedBySortA);
| | 287 | indC = indCOrderedBySortA(invIndSortA); % Reorder the list of indices to the unsorted order.
| | 288 | end
| | 289 | end
| | 290 | end
| | 291 |
| | 292 | % If A is row vector, return C as row vector.
< 0.001 | 2 | 293 | if rowvec
| | 294 | c = c.';
| | 295 | end
| | 296 |
| | 297 | else % 'rows' case
| | 298 | if ~ismatrix(a)
| | 299 | error(message('MATLAB:UNIQUE:ANotAMatrix'));
| | 300 | end
| | 301 |
| | 302 | numRows = size(a,1);
| | 303 | numCols = size(a,2);
| | 304 |
| | 305 | % Sort A and get the indices if needed.
| | 306 | isSortedA = false;
| | 307 | if isnumeric(a) && ~isobject(a)
| | 308 | isSortedA = issorted(a,'rows');
| | 309 | end
| | 310 |
| | 311 | if nargout > 1 || strcmp(order, 'stable')
| | 312 | if isSortedA
| | 313 | sortA = a;
| | 314 | indSortA = (1:numRows)';
| | 315 | else
| | 316 | [sortA,indSortA] = sortrows(a);
| | 317 | end
| | 318 | else
| | 319 | if isSortedA
| | 320 | sortA = a;
| | 321 | else
| | 322 | sortA = sortrows(a);
| | 323 | end
| | 324 | end
| | 325 |
| | 326 | % groupsSortA indicates the location of non-matching entries.
| | 327 | groupsSortA = sortA(1:numRows-1,:) ~= sortA(2:numRows,:);
| | 328 | groupsSortA = any(groupsSortA,2);
| | 329 | if (numRows ~=0)
| | 330 | if strcmp(order, 'last')
| | 331 | groupsSortA = [groupsSortA; true]; % Final row is always member of unique list.
| | 332 | else % if (strcmp(order, 'sorted') || strcmp(order, 'stable'))
| | 333 | groupsSortA = [true; groupsSortA]; % First row is always a member of unique list.
| | 334 | end
| | 335 | end
| | 336 |
| | 337 | % Extract Unique elements.
| | 338 | if strcmp(order, 'stable')
| | 339 | invIndSortA = indSortA;
| | 340 | invIndSortA(invIndSortA) = 1:numRows; % Find the inverse permutation of indSortA.
| | 341 | logIndA = groupsSortA(invIndSortA); % Create new logical by indexing into groupsSortA.
| | 342 | c = a(logIndA,:); % Create unique list by indexing into unsorted a.
| | 343 | else
| | 344 | c = sortA(groupsSortA,:); % Create unique list by indexing into sorted list.
| | 345 | end
| | 346 |
| | 347 | % Find indA.
| | 348 | if nargout > 1
| | 349 | if strcmp(order, 'stable')
| | 350 | indA = find(logIndA); % Find the indices of the unsorted logical.
| | 351 | else
| | 352 | indA = indSortA(groupsSortA); % Find the indices of the sorted logical.
| | 353 | end
| | 354 | end
| | 355 |
| | 356 | % Find indC.
| | 357 | if nargout == 3
| | 358 | groupsSortA = full(groupsSortA);
| | 359 | switch order
| | 360 | case 'last'
| | 361 | if (numRows == 0)
| | 362 | indC = cumsum(groupsSortA); % Empty A - use all of groupsSortA.
| | 363 | indC(indSortA) = indC;
| | 364 | else
| | 365 | indC = cumsum([1;full(groupsSortA(1:end-1))]); % Lists position, starting at 1.
| | 366 | indC(indSortA) = indC; % Re-reference indC to indexing of sortA.
| | 367 | end
| | 368 | case 'sorted'
| | 369 | indC = cumsum(groupsSortA); % Lists position, starting at 1.
| | 370 | indC(indSortA) = indC; % Re-reference indC to indexing of sortA.
| | 371 | otherwise % 'stable'
| | 372 | if numCols == 0
| | 373 | indC = ones(numRows,1); % For 'stable' ensure that empty A gives correct size and shape.
| | 374 | elseif numRows == 0
| | 375 | indC = zeros(0,1);
| | 376 | else
| | 377 | [~,indSortC] = sortrows(c); % Sort C to get index.
| | 378 |
| | 379 | lengthGroupsSortA = diff(find([groupsSortA; true])); % Determine how many of each of the above indices there are in IC.
| | 380 |
| | 381 | diffIndSortC = diff(indSortC);
| | 382 | diffIndSortC = [indSortC(1); diffIndSortC];
| | 383 |
| | 384 | indLengthGroupsSortA = cumsum([1; lengthGroupsSortA]); % Get the correct amount of each index.
| | 385 | indLengthGroupsSortA(end) = [];
| | 386 |
| | 387 | indCOrderedBySortA(indLengthGroupsSortA,1) = diffIndSortC; % Since indCOrderedBySortA is not already established as a column,
| | 388 |
| | 389 | if sum(lengthGroupsSortA) ~= length(indCOrderedBySortA);
| | 390 | indCOrderedBySortA(sum(lengthGroupsSortA),1) = 0;
| | 391 | end
| | 392 |
| | 393 | indCOrderedBySortA = cumsum(indCOrderedBySortA);
| | 394 | indC = indCOrderedBySortA(invIndSortA); % Reorder the list of indices to the unsorted order.
| | 395 | end
| | 396 | end
| | 397 | end
< 0.001 | 2 | 398 | end
0.004 | 2 | 399 | end
Other subfunctions in this file are not included in this listing.