MATLAB Primer, seventh edition, by Timothy Davis and Kermit Sigmon,
Chapman & Hall, 2005.
Constructing matrices
- eye --- identity
- zeros--- matrix of zeros
- ones --- matrix of ones
- diag --- create or extract diagonal
- triu --- upper triangular part
- tril --- lower triangular part
- rand --- randomly generated matrix (uniform distr.)
- hilb --- Hilbert matrix
- magic --- magic square
- toeplitz --- Toeplitz matrix
- gallery --- wide range of interesting matrices
scalar functions
- abs ceil floor rem sqrt
- acos cos log round tan
- asin exp log10 sign
- atan fix mod sin
vector functions
- max sum median any sort
- min prod mean all std
matrix functions
- eig --- eigenvalues and eigenvectors
- eigs --- eigenvalues and eigenvectors for sparse case
- chol --- Cholesky factorization
- svd --- singular value decomposition
- svds --- singular value decomposition for sparse case
- inv lu qr hess schur rref expm sqrtm poly det size length
- norm normest cond condest rank kron find linsolve