as of July 14/09 Machine Arrangement For the latest information on model and operating system of the machines in this group, please refer to "man mfcf-machines". At the time of writing, they are as listed below. Several machines share home directories and mailboxes in the "student region". This means that you have a single home directory and a single mailbox which all these machines share. There is no need to copy your files from one machine to another -- it's all one big shared environment. Front-end machines provide login service to thin clients. You're expected to do light-duty interactive activity on the front-ends. CPU servers provide compilers, computationally intensive applications, and more memory. You're expected to do your heavier-duty activity there. HOST Model OS CPUs Speed RAM Front-end login hosts: fe01.math Ultra10 Solaris 8 1 300 MHz 1 GB fe05.math V240 Solaris 8 2 1.5 GHz 2 GB CPU servers: cpu05.math V240 Solaris 8 2 1.5 GHz 2 GB cpu09.math V440 Solaris 8 4 1.0 GHz 8 GB cpu11.math Ultra10 Solaris 8 1 300 MHz 1 GB Additionally, "fs01.math" is a Network Appliance file server. All home directories and mailboxes for machines in this region are stored on this server. It provides fast reliable service as well as convenient online snapshots for backups.