MARKS --- MATH 235 - Linear Algebra 2
(fall semester 2000)

Please tell me of any inconsistencies in the mark program.

Averages of total marks and for each of the nine problems are:
Section 1: -- 68.8435:- 10.7565, 6.3826, 8.7043, 5.1478, 8.9043, 8.6783, 5.7826, 8.1391, 6.3478
Section 2:-- 66.4270:- 10.5281, 5.7640, 8.6404, 4.7865, 8.4045, 8.0000, 6.4045, 7.7416, 6.1573
Due to time constraints for the TAs, some problems are not checked for correctness, though they are given a mark if an attempt is made.
The following problems have been marked in:

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