MARKS --- MATH 235 - Linear Algebra 2
(fall semester 2000)

The FINAL mark files are available as of 11:30AM on Dec. 21/01.

For those of you who have made arrangements about missed assignments and midterms: missed assignments were given the average grade from the other assignments; missed midterms resulted in the final grade being multiplied by 90/65.
Please tell me of any inconsistencies in the mark program.

Due to time constraints for the TAs, some problems are not checked for correctness, though they are given a mark if an attempt is made.
The following problems have been marked in: (See the comment files that are included with the list of problems for each assignment (this is on the course web page) for the details on the marking schemes for all the assignments!)

Prof Wolkowicz Math 235 Home Page
[DIR] this directory , by Henry Wolkowicz