Following is a list of typos (more like questionable items) in the text:
Convex Analysis and Nonlinear Optimization, by
J.M. Borwein, and
A.S. Lewis, 1999,
Springer Verlag.
These typos supplement the
typos listed by the authors.
Page 5, Problem 4: The assumption that the set C is not empty
is needed.
Page 11, Problem 5 (a): The definition of sqrt(X2) is needed,
i.e. the definition of the square-root of a positive definite matrix P is
the unique positive definite matrix R such that RR=P.
Page 53, line 1: the Max formula (3.1.9) (i.e. not 3.1.8).
Page 90, line 10: In the proof, the reference is to Theorem 3.2.8; not
to (3.2.8).
Page 72, Problem 12 part b:
If Z = Diag(e) (all ones) and X=-2Diag(e),
then X is not Z but Z-X is psd.
So it appears that the definition of the set D in this part needs X psd.