Students did not need to test other properties, finding ONE
counterexample would suffice. (students were testing all the properties,
which is unnecessary if a counterexample was found)
students did not prove (u,u)=0 IFF u=0. Many students proved one way, but not
the other.... they had to since we have an IFF relation.
many students wrote that 2x^2 + 4y^2 + 4xy >= 0 without any justification.
they need to show the steps: eg. x^2 + (x^2 + 2y^2)^2 >= 0 since each term
is >= 0 (we have each term squared).
1.c) many students show that (u,u)>=0 but not that (u,u)=0 iff
3.a) many students treated the scalar as if it were in the real field, and
not the complex field.
5.) I think 2 students got 10/10 for having both parts. Many others had
either the wrong conclusion (no such function exists) or only had an
example of a function that was linear over R but not over C (namely a
simple conjugate fcn, or L(x,y)=(y,x), or =(x,-y) etc).
Many students misunderstood the question, i.e. did not realize that
'both ways' had to be considered.
Marking Scheme
Total for Assignment 1 : 43 marks
Problem 1:
Mark all three parts a,b,c 5 marks each part,
total 15 marks
Problem 2: Text Exercise #8
Mark all three parts a,b,c 3 marks each part,
total 9 marks
Problem 3:
Mark all three parts a,b,c 3 marks each part,
total 9 marks
Problem 5:
Give zero marks if only the conclusion is stated.
5 marks for each correct part of the conclusion.
total 10 marks