Subjects Covered
Lecture Contents/Supplementary Materials
Lecture 24
Thurs. Dec. 3
projection for multiple sets
review e.g.:
basic concepts of convex sets, functions
subdifferentials, normal cones, tangent cones, directional
sandwich and separation theorems
Fenchel conjugate, Fenchel dual
Lecture 23
Tues. Dec. 1
Convex Feasibility cont...
Techniques of Variational Analysis, available
online at
UofW library)
Projection as a minimization problem
Attracting mappings and Fejer sequences
Lecture 22
Thurs. Nov. 26
KKT Conditions and Convex Feasibility Problems
(text Sect. 7.2) Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Theorem for equality and
inequality general NLP.
Mangasarian-Fromovitz CQ (MFCQ)
Proof of KKT using the weakest CQ (tangent cone equals linearizing
Convex Feas. Probs:
Existence/uniqueness of nearest points to a closed convex set; normal
cone characterization
projection map and properties (monotone operator)
Lecture 21
Tues. Nov. 24
Fenchel Duality of convex programs, KKT
Fenchel duality of convex nonlinear program (NLP)
KKT conditions for a general nonlinear program
tangent cones, linearizing cones
Lectures 18-20
Thurs. Nov. 12-19
Generalized cone programs
Fenchel duality and Lagrangian duality
Lecture 17
Tues. Nov. 10
optimization problems with cone constraints
applications to general linear programming
Lecture 16
Thurs. Nov. 5
Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions for the convex case
Lecture 15
Tues. Nov. 3
further characterizations of optimality
relations: normal cone, subgradient cone, linearizing cone
Lecture 14
Thurs. Oct. 29
Normal Cones characterization of optimality
Theorems of the alternative
Lecture 13
Tues. Oct. 27
Set constrained optimization
sandwich theorem with proof using hyperplane separation
Lecture 12
Thurs. Oct. 22
Subgradients algebra; Fenchel duality for minimization
locally Lip. continuity; f' closed; subgradient convex, compact
Fenchel duality and sandwich theorems
(For a Lagrange multiplier approach see e.g.
MAA Lester Ford prize article by Pourciau, i.e.
Bruce H. Pourciau, Modern multiplier rules, Amer. Math. Monthly 87 (1980), 433-452)
Lecture 11
Tues. Oct. 20
Fenchel-Legendre conjugate/duality;
support functions; directional derivatives; subgradients
subgradients/derivatives of eigenvalue functions
Lecture 10
Thurs. Oct. 15
Fenchel-Legendre transform; conjugate/duality;
optimality conditions
More on support functions
f**=f if and only if f is closed, convex (with proof).
optimality conditions of simple optimization problems
Lecture 9
Tues. Oct. 13
Fenchel-Legendre conjugate/duality;
Fenchel Conjugate f* Properties: relation to affine functions; f* is
closed and convex; when is f* proper and when is the domain of f* nonempty;
f majorizes g implies g* majorizes f*; Fenchel-Young inequality with
equality relationship to subdifferential.
support, positively homogeneous, sublinear, subadditive functions.
Sf is the set supported by f
Lecture 8
Thurs. Oct. 8
Fenchel-Legendre transform; conjugate/duality;
Summary of Notation and Basic Results
symbolic Fenchel conjugation/convex analysis maple packages
Lecture 7
Tues. Oct. 6
Homework 2, with
Supplementary Problems;
Fenchel-Legendre conjugate/duality;
f is a closed convex function (iff f is the
sup of all majorized affine functions)
conjugate of a function, f*
Lecture 6
Thurs. Oct. 1
Applications of (Fenchel/conjugate) duality;
What shape is your conjugate? A survey of computational convex analysis and its applications, MR2496900, by
Lucet, Yves, SIAM J. Optim. 20 (2009), no. 1, 216--250.
basic hyperplane separation
So, polar of a set and its properties
Lecture 5
Tues. Sept. 29
CVX outline, examples; Convex Hulls and Epigraphs
(CVX outline/examples)
compositions of functions that yield convexity
convex combinations, convex hulls of sets and functions
Lecture 4
Thurs. Sept. 24
Properties of Convex Sets and Convex Functions
sublevel sets, coercive functions, attainment of minimization problems
quasi-convex functions, indicator function
operations that preserve convexity (for convex sets and functions)
Lecture 3
Tues. Sept. 22
basic concepts of Euclidean spaces;
Supplementary Problems
Homework 1 definition of domain added; GPs discussed;
difference between
Cartesian products and
Direct sums;
basic concepts of Euclidean spaces;
norms, open sets, closed sets, relative interior, affine manifolds,
affine hull
Lecture 2
Thurs. Sept. 17
Homework 1, with
Supplementary Problems;
Convex Optimization (CO) Problems; Euclidean (vector) spaces
video lectures at Stanford 1;
video lectures at Stanford 2;
Convex Optimization (CO) problems: LPs, SDPs, GPs
(and info).
basic concepts of Euclidean spaces; constructing Euclidean spaces, e.g.
using e.g.
Cartesian products;
norms, open sets, closed sets
Lecture 1
Tues. Sept. 15
Introduction/Administrivia; texts and supplementary references;
CVX software
(examples); Basic properties (
convex functions and
convex sets)
"The great watershed in optimization is not
between linearity and nonlinearity, but convexity and nonconvexity."
Rockafellar, 1993.)
NEOS Wiki and the
Optimization Tree;
References: on reserve text is
Convex Analysis and Nonlinear Optimization, by Borwein & Lewis.
on reserve supplementary reference is
Convex Optimization Theory, by D.P. Bertsekas.
CVX, Matlab Software for
Disciplined Convex Programming (download/install/example);
using the online book
Convex Optimization, by
Boyd & Vandenberghe.
Lecture covered:
convex functions: affine, exponential,
entropy, quadratic, max, norms; convex sets: polyhedral, ellipsoids,