
Within the constraints imposed by our model, our solution appears to be valid, and of use to most investors. Further, the inclusion of sensitivity analysis will enable the investor to tailor their portfolio to limit the risks associated with predicting the future market outcomes. Thus, while our solution is not perfect, as discussed in avenues of future study, it does provide valuable information to investors regarding the risks and returns of their portfolio.

Our implementation of the multi-factor Arbitrage Pricing Theory model provides a useful measure of the risk and return included in an investor's portfolio. Our GAMS implementation enables the investor to find the optimal portfolio to satisfy their risk or return objectives. This tradeoff is inherent in the calculation of portfolio earnings, and thus both objectives can never be simultaneously achieved. Although our model fails to address some realistic possibilities, their exclusion enables our model to provide a solution in a much shorter amount of time.

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Last Updated November 19, 1997 by Chris Payton