
Investors are always concerned about the riskiness of their portfolios. They are concerned about their risks relative to their returns. It is difficult to estimate portfolio risk when some individual risks are hidden from view.

This situation is exacerbated by the fact that an investor can unknowingly accept inadvertent risks. For example, a strategy of selecting high-growth stocks may entail substantial exposure to business cycle risk, an exposures that greatly exceeds that of standard growth investments. Unless this exposure to business cycle risk is recognized, measured, and controlled, a high-growth strategy will underperform whenever there is a surprise downturn in economic activity.

Our solver is designed to help an investor measure and control a portfolio's exposures to risk, relative to the desired return. It quantifies the risks which may have been hidden from view. This improved disclosure of risk will enable investors to better understand their exposure to risk, and its cost component of their returns.

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Last Updated November 19, 1997 by Chris Payton