Reduction in Utility through Reimbursement of Travelling Costs
In this part of the extended problem, each school must reimburse the travelling costs of the teachers. The utility gained by having a preferred teacher is, therefore, reduced by the amount of travelling reimbursement to pay to that teacher. The modification from this problem to the core problem lies in the objective function definition. However, the unit of measurement of the objective function is in terms of utility, while the unit of measurement of travelling cost is dollars, we will have to apply a converstion factor that express the reimbursement cost in units of utility. In particular, we assume that each dollar of travelling cost is equivalent to a reduction in utility by 3 units.Our goal for this problem is again to develop a model which determines how to assign teachers to the different sessions at different schools, which incorporate the best trade-off between the utility and the travelling cost. The criteria to which the objective is subject is the same as in the previous problems.
Mathematical Model
On the next page, we continue to forth extension with teachers woring regular hours and overtime hours. Please click the right button to continue.
Extension 2 ![]()
Extension 4