
This paper discusses various issues relating to the optimization of the parking spaces in a given parking lot. A general model is developed to determine an optimum parking layout for a rectangular paved lot. An attempt is made to optimize the number of parking spaces in the three sections of parking lot B at the University of Waterloo. Several relaxed versions of this problem are presented in development of a final model. Each model incorporates a sequence of more complicated assumptions in an attempt to achieve more realistic conditions. It should be noted that a model is simply an abstraction of the real world and cannot take into account every possible variable, known or unknown. Each model makes certain assumptions to arrive at a valid conclusion. The final model presents a optimum solution to the given problem as well as sensitivity analysis to determine how the solution would change if some of the constraints are changed, For example, if an adjacent parcel of land becomes available, or the required parking space size changes.

Previous Introduction, Background, Summary of Results, Problem Statement,
Solution Summary, Sensitivity Analysis, Models, Parking Lot B, AcknowledgementsNext

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Last Updated November 19, 1997