
At the end of the problem, when an optimal solution to the transshipment problem has been determined, the original goal has been realized: necessary information that has direct application to determining the feasiblility of starting a pizza delivery bussiness is known. Specifically, an index relative to the associated costs of transporting pizzas on a typical delivery pattern has been calculated. It is important to note, however, that the information that has been determined by solving the problem presented in this project eventually becomes only one piece in a systematic method of deciding the feasibility of implementing a delivery business. Once the proprietor of the business checks overall costs and returns with the delivery cost index becoming a factor in normal business procedures, a decision can be made about whether the real world economic returns justify the increased operating cost associated with pizza distribution.

In addition, it is clear that there exist significant factors that may not have been taken into account in the solution to the network model, such as those mentioned in the assumptions portion of this presentation. While in many cases these factors would be expected to have negligible effect on the final solution to the problem, some assumptions do reduce the application of the solved model to reality. In general, however, most of the extraneous factors involved in the pizza deliver business, such as weather or traffic affect the network model as a whole, and not only in specific places, allowing the model to retain it's application to reality by focusing on the solved value as an indicative index of cost as opposed to an absolute cost in itself. In the end, the solution obtained by solving the network model in this presentation can provide a reasonably accurate indication of transportation costs in a time optimized pizza delivery business.


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