The Assignment Problem: A Math Programming Case Study

  • Formulation of the classical assignment problem as a linear program, with the general model, and case studies of modeling a Camping Trip.
  • A discussion on the Marriage Theorem
  • Links to other Web resources and other interest topics can be found here.

    The assignment Problem {A Tutorial on Network Optimization by Michael A. Trick}

  • A brief description of the Assignment Problem
  • Basic formulation of the assignment problem
  • Simple example concerning machine allocation
  • Self-study exercise

    Thai Navy Problem

  • Allocation of ships to transport personnel from different port to a training center.
  • A relatively simple model
  • GAMS model

    Office Assignment Problem

  • An assignment of N offices to N people
  • Another simple model

    Facility Layout Problems

  • A non-linear programming assignment problem
  • facility layout problems (quadratic assignment problem)
  • concerns with locating N facilities on an N squares (locations) array with the minimal total cost.

    Weapons Assignment Problem

  • An assignment of weapons to targets
  • The goal is to inflict maximum damage at minimal cost.
  • another non-linear program
  • GAMS model

    The Frequency Assignment Problem

  • Allocation an operational frequency (for example, radio or cellular phones) to each transmiter (or transmiter/receiver pair) in the network so as to minimise interference.
  • Secondary objective is to allocate the smallest number of distinct frequency values possible or values covering the smallest area in the frequency spectrum

    Sensitivity Analysis Credits