CO 471/671 EXPECTED/DYNAMIC Syllabus (Spring-Summer 2019)

This syllabus is what is expected in the course. Many details will change/be-added during the course.

Week 1: May 7/9 History of LPs and SDPs, Basics of LPs, Application to LP and SDP relaxation of the max-cut problem, MC.
Week 2: May 14/16 Semidefinite Programming Basics
Week 3: May 21/23 Semidefinite Programming Examples/Applications
Week 4: May 28/30 Duality
Week 5: June 4/6 Duality cont...
Week 6: June 11/13 Primal-Dual Interior Point Algorithms (2nd order algorithms)
Week 7: June 18/20 First Order Algorithms
Week 8: June 25/27 Applications to Distance Geometry
Week 9: July 2/4 Applications to Discrete Optimization Problems
Week 10: July 9/11 Specialized Topics on Stability and Specific Applications
Week 11: July 16/18 Specialized Topics on Stability and Specific Applications
Week 12: July 23/25 Euclidean Embeddings; Low Dimension and Low Rank Matrix Completion
Week 13: July 30 Spcialized Topics

Henry Wolkowicz, Department of Combinatorics and Optimization, University of Waterloo, 200 University Ave. W., Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1,

Last Modified:  Sunday 12 May 2019