Class 1, C&O 367
Functions of one variable:
(calculus) Taylor's Theorem, Law of Mean
Definitions: (strict) global/local minimizers/maximizers, critical points
local optimizer and critical points (Fermat Theorem)
second derivative tests for minimizer/maximizer/saddle points
Class 2, C&O 367
Class 2, C&O 367
Review of basic calculus and linear algebra/ Functions on
extension of definitions from R to Rn (global and local min,
critical point)
chain rule, directional derivative, Taylor theorems
extension of tests for optimality,
- quadratic forms
- example of identifying critical points
Class 3, C&O 367
Class 3, C&O 367
positive and negative definite matrices (relation to optimization on
leading principal minor tests for positive definite matrices
(Be aware that the book has the wrong definition for principal minors,
i.e. their definition should be called leading principal minors.)
sufficient optimality conditions (tests) for local minima
min f(x) is equivalent to -max-f(x)
examples on quadratic functions
examples of saddle points
Class 4, C&O 367
Class 4, C&O 367
Coercive functions and global minimizers
definitions and examples
Eigenvalues and Positive Definite matrices
definitions and examples
Convex Sets and Convex Functions
Convex Sets: definitions, examples, convex combinations
Class 5, C&O 367
Class 5, C&O 367
Convex Sets and Convex Functions
Convex Sets: convex combinations, convex hull, Theorem 2.1.4 with
Convex Functions: definitions, examples, properties
(comparison between convex -- concave; positive semidefinite ---
negative semidefinite; maximization -- minimization)
Class 6, C&O 367
Class 6, C&O 367
Convex Sets and Convex Functions
Convex Functions on D a convex subset of Rn
- properties, characterizations, examples
Theorem 2.3.3 and proof (convex combinations);
Theorem 2.3.4 and proof (local and global minima);
Theorem 2.3.5 and proof (tangent hyperplane characterization)
Theorem 2.3.7 and proof (psd Hessian characterization)
Class 7, C&O 367
Class 7, C&O 367
Description of convex functions as a cone
Arithmetic-Geometric Mean Inequality (AGM)
examples and applications to solving optimization problems
Class 8, C&O 367
Class 8, C&O 367
Geometric Programming
primal and dual programs, Theorem 2.5.2
Iterative Methods for Unconstrained Optimization (Chap. 3)
Newton's method for solving a nonlinear system of equations (derivation,
Class 9, C&O 367
Class 9, C&O 367
Iterative Methods for Unconstrained Optimization (Chap. 3)
Newton's method for minimization
Class 10, C&O 367
Class 10, C&O 367
Newton's method for minimization cont...
- quadratic model, descent direction property, examples, quadratic
convergence rate, using Cholesky
Steepest Descent method for minimization
- derivation, directional derivative, Theorem 3.2.3 and proof (moving
in perpendicular directions), Theorems 3.2.4 and 3.2.5 and their
Class 11, C&O 367
Class 11, C&O 367
Beyond Steepest Descent ....
- combine good properties of steepest descent and Newton's method
- Wolfe line search (with backtracking)
Least Squares
- best least squares solutions
Class 12, C&O 367
Class 12, C&O 367
Convex Programming and KKT Conditions
Definition of a convex program
Separation and Support Theorems for convex sets
- Theorem 5.1.1 and the equivalent results using polar cones
- Pshenichnyi optimality conditions (geometric optimality
Class 13, C&O 367
Class 13, C&O 367
Optimality Conditions for Convex Programs
More on Pshenichnyi optimality condition
lemma: K is a closed convex cone if and only if K=K++
Class 14, C&O 367
Class 14, C&O 367
Optimality Conditions for Convex Programs cont...
Linearizing cone
Cone of gradients
constraint qualification, Farkas' Lemma
Class 15, C&O 367
Class 15, C&O 367
Optimality Conditions for Convex Programs cont...
Lemma: K is a ccc iff K=K++ and proof using hyperplane
separation theorem
Farkas' Lemma and proof using the above Lemma
KKT conditions for a convex program (sufficient, necessary with Slater's
constraint qualification) with proof using relation between tangent and
linearizing cones
examples where KKT holds/fails
Accessibility Lemma, Supporting Hyperplane Theorem,
Class 16, C&O 367
Class 16, C&O 367
Optimality Conditions for Convex Programs cont...
Recall convex set
separation theorem proved on assignment, i.e. problem 3 on Pg 212.
Lagrange multiplier theorem and proof using the above separation
Class 17, C&O 367
Class 17, C&O 367
Optimality Conditions for Convex Programs cont...
Examples of solving convex programs using the KKT conditions
(comparisons with the Pshenichnyi condition)
Using the KKT conditions to derive eigenvalues and (orthonormal)
eigenvectors for A=AT
Class 18, C&O 367
Class 18, C&O 367
Duality for Convex Programs
Derive the dual using a game theory approach
Examples of duals for linear programming, quadratic programming
Class 19, C&O 367
Class 19, C&O 367
Duality for Convex Programs
Strong duality for convex programs - theorem with proof
Duffin's example of a duality gap
strengthened KKT for the TRS (i.e. including convexity of the
Lagrangian - see e.g. the book by R. Fletcher, "Practical Methods of
Optimization" Chapter 5. This includes the TR algorithm that I could not
finish in class)
Class 20, C&O 367
Class 20, C&O 367
Penalty Function Methods
Examples of quadratic and absolute value penalty functions
Class 21, C&O 367
Class 21, C&O 367
Penalty Function Methods
Geometry, connections with Lagrange Multipliers