Internet opens elite colleges to all

Gilbert Strang is a quiet man with a rare talent: helping others
understand linear algebra. He's written a half-dozen popular college
textbooks, and for years a few hundred students at the elite
Massachusetts Institute of Technology have been privileged to take his

Recently, with the growth of computer science, demand to understand
linear algebra has surged. But so has the number of students Strang can

An MIT initiative called "OpenCourseWare" makes virtually all the
school's courses available online for free - lecture notes, readings,
tests and often video lectures. Strang's Math 18.06 course is among the
most popular, with visitors downloading his lectures more than 1.3
million times since June alone.

Strang's classroom is the world.

In his Istanbul dormitory, Kemal Burcak Kaplan, an undergraduate at
Bogazici University, downloads Strang's lectures to try to boost his
grade in a class there. Outside Calcutta, graduate student Sriram
Chandrasekaran uses them to brush up on matrices for his engineering
courses at the elite Indian Institute of Technology.

Many "students" are college teachers themselves, like Sheraz ali Khan at
a small engineering institute in Peshawar, Pakistan, and Noorali Jiwaji,
at the Open University of Tanzania. They use Strang and other MIT
professors as guides in designing their own classes, and direct students
to MIT's courses for help.

Others are closer to MIT's Cambridge, Mass., campus. Some are MIT
students and alumni, while others have no connection at all - like Gus
Whelan, a retiree on nearby Cape Cod, and Dustin Darcy, a 27-year-old
video game programmer in Los Angeles who uses linear algebra regularly
in his work.

"Rather than going through my old, dusty books," Darcy said, "I thought
I might as well go through it from the top and see if I learn something

There has never been a more exciting time for the intellectually

The world's top universities have come late to the world of online
education, but they're arriving at last, creating an all-you-can eat
online buffet of information.

And mostly, they are giving it away.

MIT's initiative is the largest, but the trend is spreading. More than
100 universities worldwide, including Johns Hopkins, Tufts and Notre
Dame, have joined MIT in a consortium of schools promoting their own
open courseware. You no longer need a Princeton ID to hear the prominent
guests who speak regularly on campus, just an Internet connection. This
month, Yale announced it would make material from seven popular courses
available online, with 30 more to follow.

As with many technology trends, new services and platforms are driving
change. Last spring marked the debut of "iTunes U," a section of Apple's
popular music and video downloading service now publicly hosting free
material from 28 colleges. Meanwhile, the University of California,
Berkeley recently announced it would be the first to make full course
lectures available on YouTube. Berkeley was already posting lectures,
but YouTube has dramatically expanded their reach.

If there isn't yet something for everyone, it's only a matter of time.
On iTunes, popular recent downloads include a climate change panel at
Stanford, lectures on existentialism by Cal-Berkeley Prof. Hubert
Dreyfus, and a performance of Mozart's requiem by the Duke Chapel Choir.
Berkeley's offerings include 48 classes, from "Engineering
Thermodynamics" to "Human Emotion."

"It's almost as good as being there," said Whelan, the Massachusetts
retiree, of the MIT classes he has sampled. "The only thing that's
lacking is the pressure." He says he usually doesn't do the homework
assignments, but adds: "Now that I'm not in school I don't have to do
that anymore."

YouTube, iTunes, OpenCourseWare - none are the full college experience.
You can't raise your hand and ask a question. You can't get a letter of

And most importantly, almost everywhere, you can't get credit or earn a

That caveat, however, is what has made all this possible.

When the Internet emerged, experts predicted it would revolutionize
higher education, cutting its tether to a college campus. Technology
could help solve one of the fundamental challenges of the 21st century:
providing a mass population with higher education at a time when a
college degree was increasingly essential for economic success.

Today, the Internet has indeed transformed higher education. A
multibillion-dollar industry, both for-profit and nonprofit, has sprung
up offering online training and degrees. Figures from the Sloan
Consortium, an online learning group, report about 3.5 million students
are signed up for at least one online course - or about 20 per cent of
all students at degree-granting institutions.

But it hasn't been as clear what role - if any - elite universities
would play in what experts call the "massification" of higher education.
Their finances are based on prestige, which means turning students away,
not enrolling more. How could they teach the masses without diminishing
the value of their degree?

But MIT's 2001 debut of OpenCourseWare epitomized a key insight: Elite
universities can separate their credential from their teaching - and
give at least parts of their teaching away as a public service. They
aren't diminishing their reputations at all. In fact, they are expanding
their reach and reputation.

It turns out there is extraordinary demand for bits and pieces of the
education places like MIT provide, even without the diploma.

OpenCourseWare's site gets more than one million hits per month, with
translated versions getting 500,000 more. About 60 per cent of users are
outside the United States. About 15 per cent are educators, and 30 per
cent students at other universities. About half have no university

"I think the fundamental realization is that distance learning will
solve the problem of access to certification, but there's a larger
problem, which is access to information," says Steve Carson, director of
external relations for the MIT initiative.

"If you're going to work as a public health professional, you need the
certification," Carson says. "If you're working in a community" - say,
in Africa - "you don't need the certification. You just need access to
the information."

About 11,200 kilometres from Cambridge, the Polytechnic of Namibia in is
the kind of place eager to learn from MIT. Though barely a decade old,
the school in the young African country's capital Windhoek, is poised to
play a key role in the country's development. It's one of 84 sites in
Africa where MIT has shipped its course materials on hard drives for
institutions to store locally on their own networks. With bandwidth
costing about 1,000 times its price in the United States, patching into
OpenCourseWare over the Internet would crash the school's fragile

CIO Laurent Evrard says Polytechnic takes pride in standards on par with
top global peers - he notes how U.S. exchange students get credit for
work there - and says students like using OpenCourseWear to see how they
stack up.

"Everybody here knows about MIT," he says, though it doesn't hurt that
the school rector - its top official - is an alumnus.

On the opposite coast of southern Africa, Jiwaji says most of his
Tanzanian students have never heard of MIT. Students use the courses
"because it gives them a tool. They feel lost and they don't have good
books," Jiwaji says. "They need a guide to help them."

His distance university - with 30,000 registered students - has
OpenCourseWare available at centres around the capital of Dar es Salaam.
There, it gets an impressive 600 hits per day, mostly in management

Though it's found a wider audience, OpenCourseWare was originally
intended for teachers. The idea wasn't just to show off MIT's geniuses
but to share its innovative teaching methods. After examining an MIT
course called "Machine Structures," Khan, the Pakistani professor,
redesigned his lab assignments for a computer science class to get
students more involved, asking them to design and build their own

"It really encourages the students to discover and try something new,"
he said. "Normally the stress here is on how things work, not on
creating things of your own."

MIT's free offerings focus mostly on well-organized texts like
syllabuses and readings, along with an expanding video lecture
collection. Others, like Stanford and Bowdoin College in Maine, provide
more polish, editing and features.

Berkeley, meanwhile, is focused less on bells and whistles than on
ramping up its ability to roll out content with a system that
automatically records and posts lectures. Berkeley's eight YouTube
courses drew 1.5 million downloads in the first month, said Ben Hubbard,
co-manager of the webcast.berkeley program, and the school is being
inundated with requests to post more.

"That's why we're so focused on automation," he said. "Our motto is
'Fiat Lux' - 'let there be light.' We feel like this is a great way to
let the light of Berkeley shine out on the world."

A big obstacle is cost. Professors are reluctant to participate unless
staff are provided to help with logistics. A major expense is video
camera operators, unless schools can persuade lecturers to stand still
at the lectern. MIT estimates OpenCourseWear costs a hefty US$20,000 per
course. Money from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation started the
project, but from now on it will rely mostly on contributions from MIT's
budget and endowment, and from visitor donations.

But there are direct benefits. Small schools like Bowdoin can use iTunes
to show prospective students the richness of their offerings. MIT
reports half its incoming students have already checked out

Meanwhile, half of MIT alumni use OpenCourseWare, too. And alumni who
stay connected with the intellectual life at their alma maters are more
likely to donate.

Will the free offerings of elite universities ever reduce demand for the
full - and full-price - experience at places like MIT? Carson doubts it.
Networking, late-night arguments over pizza, back-and-forth with
professors - that's where the real value lies, and even MIT's technology
may never catch up with that.

For teachers like Strang, his expanded reach is no more than a minor
inconvenience - occasional e-mailed questions from "students." And it's
a major reward.

"My life is in teaching," he says. "To have a chance do that with a
world audience is just wonderful."

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