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in class MIDTERMS: Feb. 7 and Mar 7.
Week | Dates | topics | Notes |
Week 1 | Jan. 3/5 | Introduction | |
Week 2 | Jan. 10/12 | Problem Formulations | |
Week 3 | Jan. 17/19 | Greedy Algorithms | |
Week 4 | Jan. 24/26 | Approximation Algorithms | |
Week 5 | Jan. 31/Feb. 2 | Local-Search Heuristics | |
Week 6 | Feb. 7/9 | MIDTERM (covers up to Approx. Algor.)/ LP Duality | |
Week 7 | Feb. 14/16 | Cutting Planes | |
Week 8 | Feb. 20-24 |         NO LECTURES - READING WEEK | |
Week 9 | Feb. 28 - Mar. 2 | Branch-and-Bound (B&B I and II) | |
Week 10 | Mar. 7/9 | MIDTERM (covers Local-Search Heuristics till B&B I)/Column Generation I | |
Week 11 | Mar. 14/16 | Column Generation II | |
Week 12 | Mar. 21/23 | Dynamic Programming | |
Week 13 | Mar. 28/30 | Complexity/Review |
Henry Wolkowicz, Department of Combinatorics and Optimization, University of Waterloo, 200 University Ave. W., Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, ()