- Number 2 and 17 were in general well done. - Number 5 was not a success. Most people didn't understand I think what they had to prove, especially in 5 a). Please look at solutions for this one. - For number 9, I was surprised that a lot of people submitted some kind of graphic proof. This is clearely not the right approach for a proof. A proof should always stand on its own without the drawings. Please look at solutions for this one too. - For number 10, some people argued that x^* was in the interior of C. This might not be true. For example, the function f(x)=x^2 has derivatives defined everywhere on R, and is convex. If we minimize this function on the interval [1,2] (notice that [1,2] is a convex set and that the derivative is defined on this set), then the minimum occurs at x^*=1. Notice that at x*, f'(x^*)>0 and f'(x^*).(x-x*)>=0 for all x in the interval [1,2]. - Number 19 had to be done following the proof in the book for each theorem and looking in general where the A-G inequality was used and what conditions were implied for equality. Please refer again to the solutions. - A lot of people left some problems untried. Please try to write what you know even if the solution is not complete. I usually give some points for this. I can only give 0 for blank solutions. Good luck for the next assignment. -----