$TITLE BOTTLENECK PROBLEM $OFFUPPER * This problem finds a least cost shippingmum weighted sum of * productive capacities at the end of a 5 year plan. * * References: * The problem is taken from the book on Linear Programming * in Infinite Dimensional Spaces. The problem is originally * from a paper of Bellman and is the first instance of * an infinite dimensional LP. SETS I different good produced / G1*G5 / J different plants / P1*P3 / T time periods / 1989*1994 / ; TABLE B(I,J) fraction Gi invested for additional capacity Pj P1 P2 P3 G1 .15 .13 .23 G2 .09 .23 .13 G3 .10 .11 .05 G4 .08 .08 .09 G5 .10 .04 .09 ; TABLE D(I,J) rate of production Gi per unit of Pj P1 P2 P3 G1 1.2 1.3 1.4 G2 .9 1.1 .8 G3 1.1 1.5 1.9 G4 1.9 .2 .7 G5 .6 .4 .9 ; VARIABLES X(J,T) rate of production of new capacity of type j at time t Z(J,T) total productive capacity of type j at time t W total productive capacity for 5 year plan ; POSITIVE VARIABLE X ; *PARAMETER BX(I,T) total amount of goods I consumed for new capacity; * BX(I,T)= SUM(J,B(I,J)*X(J,T)) ; *PARAMETER DZ(I,T) total rate of production of goods available at t; * DZ(I,T)= SUM(J,D(I,J)*Z(J,T)) ; *PARAMETER DX(I,T) rate of production of goods at time t ; * DX(I,T)= SUM(J,D(I,J)*X(J,T)) ; PARAMETER CO(J) initial production capacities /P1 350 P2 700 P3 250 / A(J) weights for objective function /P1 2 P2 5 P3 3 / ; PARAMETER C(I,T) current production capacities; C(I,T) = SUM(J,D(I,J)*CO(J)) ; EQUATIONS COST weighted sum of production capacities at end period CAPACITY(I,T) restriction on capacities ; COST .. W =E= SUM(T,SUM(J,A(J)*X(J,T))); CAPACITY(I,T) .. SUM(J,B(I,J)*X(J,T))-SUM(J,D(I,J)*X(J,T)) =L= C(I,T) ; MODEL BOTTLENECK /ALL/ ; SOLVE BOTTLENECK USING LP MAXIMIZING W ; DISPLAY X.L, X.M ;