Five Best World War II Fiction 1 Life and Fate By Vasily Grossman Harper & Row, 1984 Vasily Grossman's "Life and Fate" is the "War and Peace" of Stalinism and the Great Patriotic War, as the Soviets called World War II. This deliberate act of literary homage to Tolstoy uses the Battle of Stalingrad in the place of the Battle of Borodino, and there are several parallels in construction. But the characters in "Life and Fate" and the dilemmas they face when confronted by the moral distortions of the system are entirely the product of what the Russian poet Osip Mandelstam called the "wolfhound age." Grossman, who had covered World War II from the front for a Red Army newspaper, accumulated stories, incidents and extraordinarily powerful vignettes in his notebooks for later use in his novels. The anti-Semitism that emerged in Stalin's later years convinced Grossman of the parallels between Nazism and Stalinism. This similarity became a covert but recognizable theme in his great novel. Grossman na�vely believed that it could be published during the Khrushchev thaw, but he was soon disabused. The KGB "arrested" the book in 1961 after Mikhail Suslov, the ideological chief of the Central Committee, declared that it must not be published for 200 years. The secret police even took Grossman's carbons and typewriter ribbons. He died a broken man, but an early copy of the manuscript had survived, and it was smuggled out to be published abroad. 2 Catch-22 By Joseph Heller Simon & Schuster, 1961 "Catch-22" is probably the most devastating satire ever written about the lunacy of war and military bureaucracy. Set in Italy toward the end of World War II, the novel is a triumph of construction, with its fiendishly unbreakable circle of counter-logic, as a U.S. bomber squadron is sent on more and more missions by ambitious officers trying to exceed their objectives. In a way, the officers' double-think is similar to that of the para-Stalinist system evoked in George Orwell's dystopia, "1984." Joseph Heller's protagonist, Yossarian, bemused by the self-perpetuating madness all around him, is one of the great anti-heroes of modern literature. 3 Sword of Honour By Evelyn Waugh Little, Brown, 1951-61 Loosely based on Evelyn Waugh's own experiences as a soldier, the trilogy "Sword of Honour" savages the amateurishness in much of the British war effort, especially the unnecessary disaster of the Battle of Crete, which Waugh himself survived with embittered feelings. His protagonist, Guy Crouchback, a conservative Catholic like Waugh, is appalled by the wartime alliance with the Soviet Union, which he sees as no less evil than the Nazi regime. Waugh's honed prose, with deceptively understated dialogue, verges on the edge of outright satire, yet his purpose is deadly serious, even with some of his outlandish characters, such as the ludicrously pugnacious Brigadier Ritchie-Hook. The three novels here�"Men at Arms," "Officers and Gentlemen" and "Unconditional Surrender"�are arguably Waugh's most powerful work. 4 The Fortunes of War By Olivia Manning 1960-65, 1977-80 "The Fortunes of War" encompasses Olivia Manning's "The Balkan Trilogy" and "The Levant Trilogy," a six-volume compendium covering the Nazi invasion of the Balkans, life in wartime Cairo and the fighting in the Western Desert of North Africa. The novels are based on Manning's own experiences, escaping with her husband, Reggie Smith, from Romania and Greece just ahead of the advancing German army and finally reaching Egypt by separate ways. The second trilogy consists of romans � clef, with many characters so thinly disguised that nobody was fooled. The trouble was that Manning, a woman easy to take offense, used these novels for vengeance on anyone who she felt had slighted her. (Lawrence Durrell, for instance, who had once described her as "a hook-nosed condor.") But this edge adds a piquancy to her very sharp observation of character. "The Fortunes of War" was brilliantly adapted in 1987 for a BBC miniseries starring Kenneth Branagh and Emma Thompson. 5 The Kindly Ones By Jonathan Littell Harper, 2009 The "kindly ones" of Jonathan Littell's title are the Eumenides, or the Furies, in a novel structured as a classical Greek tragedy: The German Sixth Army, involved in the massacre of Babi Yar near Kiev, meets its fate in Stalingrad. The book is written as the defiant confession of Dr. Max Aue, an SS officer deeply involved in the Final Solution. Aue, a half-German and half-French lawyer and intellectual, is sent on a variety of missions, enabling him to act in the book as a sort of video camera with a biting voice-over. Littell's ambitious work goes where no historian dares to tread, with well-researched speculation about the mentality of those involved in the world's greatest crimes. The author is particularly strong in his depiction of the Nazi and SS bureaucracy, with their rival departments. They are all trying to control a monstrous death industry without any sense of objective factors, such as whether their decisions are helping the war effort and thus allowing the regime as a whole to survive. It is indeed a case of "those whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad." �Mr. Beevor is the author of "Stalingrad" and "The Fall of Berlin 1945." His most recent book, "D-Day: The Battle for Normandy," has just been published by Viking.