Five Best Books: Historical Fiction Rebecca Stott says these novels are historical fiction of the first rank By REBECCA STOTT 1 The Rings of Saturn By W.G. Sebald New Directions, 1998 In "Rings of Saturn," the *German author W.G. Sebald weaves fact and fiction into a book that is part memoir, part travel narrative, part meditative essay and part history. The story twists and turns and shuttles back and forth through time and along England's desolate East Anglian coastline. As the unnamed narrator makes his way south on a walking tour through sand dunes and villages, he describes the relentless erosion of the coast, and as he does, stories wash uplike the workings of memorywherever he goes. A postcard here, a newspaper cutting elsewhere, the remains of a mulberry tree, a photographthese lost objects lead him to discussions of Chateaubriand, Swinburne and Conrad, mackerel fishing fleets, skulls and silkworms. For Sebald, history and memory is like a storeroom in a derelict mansionfull of dusty, nearly forgotten things, each of which, in the author's hands, yields its own haunting tale. 2 Orlando By Virginia Woolf Harcourt, Brace, 1928 Virginia Woolf described this fantastical biography as her holiday from serious fiction and based it on the life story and family history of her friend Vita Sackville-West. Orlando, born a nobleman in the 16th century, lives and writes through four centuries while aging little at all, changing from a man to a woman, ending up as a female writer in the early 20th century, encountering scores of historical and literary figures along the way. People are "a rag-bag of odds and ends," Woolf writes, "lightly stitched together by a single thread. Memory is the seamstress, and a capricious one at that." Following her cross-dressing, sex-changing protagonist through time, Woolf challenges what we take for granted about history, time and identity. Along the way, she pays homage to 18th-century novels like Daniel Defoe's "Moll Flanders" and Laurence Sterne's "Tristram Shandy" in a tale that is funny, fast and iconoclastic. 3 Shame By Salman Rushdie Knopf, 1983 Often overshadowed by "Midnight's Children" and "The Satanic Verses," Salman Rushdie's "Shame" is a virtuoso piece of history writing, a magical-realist, alternative portrait of Pakistan. Rushdie isn't interested in verisimilitude; he is concerned with the violent effects of sexual and familial shame in Pakistan and the ways in which they play out over time. The novel is both beautiful and inventive in its audacious mix of political satire and fairy tale. It opens with the birth of Omar Khayyam Shakil to "the three mothers," hermetic sisters who have become indistinguishable in their closeness and who vow never to reveal who actually bore him. They resolve to raise the fatherless boy with no sense of shame. Omar's story gradually shades into those of Iskander Harappa and Raza Hyder, characters based on Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, Pakistan's prime minister in the 1970s, and Gen. Mohammad Zia ul-Haq, who assumed power after a 1977 coup and ordered Bhutto's execution. As the family stories intertwine, shame erupts with increasing violence until it threatens to engulf everything. 4 Waverley By Walter Scott 1814 "Waverley" is said to be the very first historical novel. Given how well-established and varied the genre is these days, it is easy to overlook how inventive Walter Scott's work was. Its hero is a wonderfully flawed character, an idealistic young English soldier, Edward Waverley, who wavers constantly in his political and romantic allegiances as he travels though England and Scotland during the turmoil of the Jacobite Rebellion of 1745. This is history as anthropology and travel writing. As Waverley makes his way, coming of age and falling in love, he is swayed by a succession of fascinating men and women he encounters, among them the politically moderate Baron Bradwardine and his pretty daughter, Rose, and then the passionate and uncompromising Jacobite Flora MacIcvor and her mercurial brother, who want to restore the Stuart dynasty and put Bonnie Prince Charlie on the throne. Don't be put off by the first meandering, context-setting 60 pages. Once you're in, you'll be swept away by the color and the drama of it all, by the smell of heather and the sound of bagpipes. 5 One Hundred Years of Solitude By Gabriel Garc�a M�rquez Avon, 1970 My breath is still taken away by the audacity and power of this story about the many generations of a family in the fictional Colombian town of Macondo. It is a tale, as well, of Colombia itself a mix of romance, fantasy and history. Shipwrecked Spanish galleons turn up in the middle of the jungle; a pious woman disappears into the sky like an angel; a pair of star-crossed lovers are shadowed constantly by a cloud of yellow butterflies. Magic erupts into the mundane. Gabriel Garc�a M�rquez meant this novel, first published in Spanish in 1967, to show the workings of time, how it stops and starts, relapses, circles and changes speed. But "One Hundred Years of Solitude" is intended to show, above all, how much more than the mere recording of fact is required to fathom the past. Having lived under a series of Colombian dictators who revised history as they pleased, M�rquez has an understandable passion for distrusting received wisdom and delving for deeper truths. Ms. Stott is the author most recently of "The Coral Thief," a novel set in France after Napoleon's fall.