BY MICHAEL OREN Saturday, June 2, 2007 12:01 a.m.
"An Algerine Spy in Pennsylvania" appeared in Philadelphia at the time of the Constitutional Convention and as America faced its first hostage crisis in the Middle East. Pirates from the so-called Barbary States--Morocco, Tripoli, Tunis and Algiers--had waylaid American merchant ships in the Mediterranean and enslaved 127 sailors. The attacks posed a mortal threat to America's fragile economy, yet the country was powerless to repel them. Loosely confederated, the U.S. had no central government and no mechanism for creating a navy. Enter Peter the Poet, as Peter Markoe was known, the Bard of Philadelphia. Supposedly a collection of letters written by "Mehmet," an Algerian agent operating in the U.S., Markoe's book predicted that the pigheaded Americans would never federate. "Totally ruined by disunion," he gloated, "they may be plundered without risque and their young men and maidens triumphantly carried into captivity." Markoe's satirical provocation helped tip the bitterly contested debate over the Constitution in 1789. Five years later, Congress authorized the construction of a navy "for the protection . . . of the United States against Algerian corsairs." The country subsequently dispatched Marines "to the shores of Tripoli" and a fleet under Stephen Decatur to vanquish the pirates. Americans had formed a truly United States, had created naval power and had projected it thousands of miles--thanks, in part, to Peter Markoe.