SiGMa 2017
Structure in Graphs and Matroids
July 17-21, 2017
SiGMa is a workshop bringing together researchers from Graph Theory and Matroid Theory, with a focus on structure theory. The topics of the workshop include (but are not limited to) graph colourings and flows, graph and matroid connectivity, matroid representation, graph minors, matroid minors, matroid restrictions, and induced subgraphs. The meeting continues a tradition of biennial workshops organized by Bert Gerards in 2008, 2010, and 2012, and by Rudi Pendavingh and Stefan van Zwam in 2014 and 2016. This workshop will renew the emphasis on graph theory.
The workshop is held in commemoration of William T. Tutte, 1917-2002, and will take place at the University of Waterloo whose Faculty of Mathematics is celebrating its 50th anniversary.

Invited speakers
- Nathan Bowler, University of Hamburg
- Johannes Carmesin, University of Cambridge
- Maria Chudnovsky, Princeton University
- Penny Haxell, University of Waterloo
- Dan Král, University of Warwick
- Sergey Norin, McGill University
- James Oxley, Louisiana State University
- Rudi Pendavingh, Eindhoven University of Technology
- Alex Scott, University of Oxford
- Geoff Whittle, Victoria University of Wellington
- Paul Wollan, University of Rome "La Sapienza"
See here for titles and abstracts of the invited talks.
Schedule and location
The schedule can be found here; a short printable version can be found here. All talks are in the Quantum-Nano Centre (QNC 0101); enter from the ground floor on the side nearest the ring road (see the map).
Video of the lectures is available on the C&O youtube channel.
Ahmad Abdi, Matt Barnes, Anton Bernshteyn, Guus Bollen, Joseph Bonin, Nathan Bowler, Nick Brettell, Adam Brown, Kathie Cameron, Amanda Cameron, Rutger Campbell, Johannes Carmesin, Rong Chen, Will Chritchlow, Ilia Chtcherbakov, Maria Chudnovsky, Carolyn Chun, Henry Crapo, Jamie De Jong, Michelle Delcourt, Sally Dong, Ann-Kathrin Elm, Josh Erde, Joshua Fallon, Tara Fife, Iah Fontaine, Daryl Funk, Jim Geelen, Zach Gershkoff, Pascal Gollin, Gary Gordon, Kevin Grace, Alessandra Graf, Bertrand Guenin, Krystal Guo, Dennis Hall, Rhiannon Hall, Matthias Hamann, Hamed Hatami, Penny Haxell, Cheolwon Heo, Karl Heuer, Owen Hill, Florian Hoersch, Shenwei Huang, Tony Huynh, Yifang Jing, Benson Joeris, Gwenaël Joret, Meenu Jose, Relinde Jurrius, Thomas Kelly, Ringi Kim, Nishad Kothari, Daniel Král, O-joung Kwon, Edward Lee, Chun-Hung Liu, Xujun Liu, László Lovász, Ruth Luo, Sammy Luo, Amena Mahmoud, Taísa Martins, Dillon Mayhew, Rose McCarty, Sean McGuinness, Ghislan McKay, Piotr Micek, Mike Molloy, U.S.R. Murty, Peter Nelson, Nancy Neudauer, Mike Newman, Steven Noble, Jon Noel, Kazuhiro Nomoto, Sergey Norin, Bogdan Oporowski, James Oxley, Sophia Park, Rudi Pendavingh, Irena Penev, Grace Petersen, Luke Postle, Andrew Probert, Yingjie Qian, Shayla Redlin, Neil Robertson, Cynthia Rodriguez, Gordon Royle, Alex Scott, Paul Seymour, Abhinav Shantanam, Vaidy Sivaraman, Daniel Slilaty, Evelyne Smith-Roberge, Sophie Spirkl, Jesse Taylor, Jorn van der Pol, Stefan van Zwam, Jan Volec, David Wagner, Don Wagner, Zach Walsh, Daniel Weißauer, Kristen Wetzler, Geoff Whittle, Sebastian Wiederrecht, Paul Wollan, Alan Wong, Marcin Wrochna, Yelena Yuditsky, Mingxian Zhong, Ran Ziv
Here is the group photo.
Organizing Committee
SiGMa is generously supported through funding from the Fields Institute and from the University of Waterloo.