Joe West, MC 6443,

Office Hours


Unless otherwise stated, office hours are available simultaneously in person (MC 6443) and online (using Teams, details below), with priority given to those who come in person.


Week of July 14th:

-       Monday 10:45-11:45am

-       Tuesday 10:15am-12pm (online only)

-       Wednesday 10:45-11:45am, 2:45-4:00pm




More detail:


If you're calling online (video call):  Send me a quick chat message on MS Teams (e.g. 'Waiting for office hour') and I will call you back in order.  You probably need to be signed in to your UW Teams account.

NOTE:  there is no meeting link.  These are direct, one-on-one video calls.  If you cannot find me by name, search for


This page is typically updated on Fridays for the following week.