Algebraic and enumerative combinatorics seminar
We view algebraic combinatorics broadly, explictly including algebraic enumeration and related asymptotic and bijective combinatorics as well as algebraic combinatorics as it appears in pure algebra and in applications outside mathematics.
We are trying having a pre-seminar which is designed to get participants up to speed on useful and interesting background for the talk. It will be at the level for beginning grad students. Then there will be a short coffee break followed by the seminar itself.
Our audience consists principally of combinatorics faculty and grad students. Seminar talks are 50 minutes with questions following.
If you are speaking, we need your abstract at least a week in advance so it can make the deadline for the Friday math faculty seminar mailing.
Winter 2025
The regular seminar location is once again MC 5479. The regular seminar time is
- Pre-seminar 1pm-1:45pm on Thursdays.
- Seminar 2pm-3pm on Thursdays.
- January 16: Leigh Foster, The squish map and the SL2 double dimer model
- January 23: Karen Yeats, Combinatorial interpretation of the coefficients of the causal set theory d'Alembertian
- January 30: Nantel Bergeron, Equivariant quasisymmetry
- February 6: Hunter Spink, New perspectives on quasisymmetry via divided differences, flag varieties, etc.
February 13 February 14 (postponed on account of snow): Yasaman Yazdi, Statistical Fluctuations in the Causal Set-Continuum Correspondence. Note: 1-2pm in MC 5417 and no pre-seminar
- February 20: Reading week
- February 27: Katie Waddle, Spherical friezes
- March 6: Andrew Sack, Operahedron Lattices
- March 13: Steve Melczer
- March 20: Allen Knutson
- March 27: Michael Borinsky
- April 3: Harper Niergarth and Kartik Singh
Fall 2024
The regular seminar location is MC 5479. The regular seminar time is
- Pre-seminar 1pm-1:45pm on Thursdays.
- Seminar 2pm-3pm on Thursdays.
- September 12: Jerónimo Valencia, A combinatorial proof of an identity involving Eulerian numbers.
- September 19: Karen Yeats, Tubings of rooted trees and resurgence. Note: No preseminar this week.
- September 26: Jonathan Leake, Approximately Counting Flows via Generating Function Optimization
- October 3: John Smith, Coefficient Positivity and Analytic Combinatorics
- October 10: Josh Swanson, Cyclotomic generating functions.
- Tuesday October 15 (during reading week): Christian Gaetz, Hypercube decompositions and combinatorial invariance for Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials, in MC 5501.
- October 24: Nick Olson-Harris, Sufficient conditions for equality of skew Schur functions
- October 31: Joseph Fluegemann, Smooth points on positroid varieties and planar N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory
- November 7: Stephan Pfannerer, Descents for Border Strip Tableaux
- November 14: Colleen Robichaux, Vanishing of Schubert coefficients
- November 21: Torin Greenwood, Coloring the integers while avoiding monochromatic arithmetic progressions
- November 28: Mike Cummings, Combinatorial rules for the geometry of Hessenberg varieties
- December 5: David Wagner, Valuable partial orders
Spring 2024
The regular seminar location is MC 5479 (changed from the first two weeks). The regular seminar time is
- Pre-seminar 1pm-1:45pm on Thursdays.
- Seminar 2pm-3pm on Thursdays.
- May 16: Sarah Brauner, Configuration spaces and combinatorial algebras, in MC 6029.
- May 23: Li Yu, Integrable systems on the dual space of Lie algebras arising from log-canonical cluster structures, in MC 6029.
- May 30: Jette Gutzeit, Introducing the interval poset associahedron.
- June 6: Tia Ruza, Central Limit Theorems via Analytic Combinatorics in Several Variables
- June 13: Karen Yeats, Chord diagrams, triangulations, and φp amplitudes
- June 20: No seminar
- June 27: Paul Balduf, Combinatorial proof of a Non-Renormalization Theorem
- July 4: No seminar
- July 11: No seminar
- July 18: Laura Pierson, Two variations of the chromatic symmetric function Note: No preseminar this week
- July 25: no seminar on account of FPSAC
- August 1: URA day:
- 1pm: Connor Baetz, The ASEP and alternate multi-line queues
- 1:30pm: coffee
- 1:50pm: Arnav Kumar, Dimension of posets and random graph orders
- 2:30pm: Ron Cherny, A Combinatorial Case of The Gerstenhaber Problem
- August 8: William Chan, Control over the Kerov-Kirillov-Reshetikhin bijection with respect to the nesting structure on rigged configurations.
- August 15: Jang Soo Kim, Lecture hall graphs and the Askey scheme.
Winter 2024
The regular seminar location is MC 5479. The regular seminar time is
- Pre-seminar 1pm-1:45pm on Thursdays.
- Seminar 2pm-3pm on Thursdays.
- January 25: Santiago Estupinan, A new shifted Littlewood-Richardson rule.
- February 1: Arad Nasiri, Combinatorial Action in Causal Set Quantum Gravity
- February 8: Tim Miller, Vertex models for the product of a Schur and Demazure polynomial
- February 15: Karen Yeats, More Martin and c2 details
- February 22: Reading week
- February 29: Leo Jiang Real matroid Schubert varieties, zonotopes, and virtual Weyl group
- March 7: social time
- March 14: Nancy Wallace, Quasi-partition algebras representations, planar Quasi-partition algebras and Characters of the Motzkin-Riordan algebra
- March 21: Nathan Pagliaroli, Colored unstable map enumeration from random noncommutative geometries
- March 28: Harper Niergarth, On the faces of the Kunz cone and the numerical semigroups within them
- April 4: Olya Mandelshtam, A new formula for the symmetric Macdonald polynomials via the ASEP and TAZRP
- April 11: Alex Kroitor, Lattice Paths Through ACSV
- April 18: Jeremy Chizewer, Analytic Methods and Combinatorial Plants
Fall 2023
The regular seminar location is MC 6029. The regular seminar time is
- Pre-seminar 1pm-1:45pm on Thursdays.
- Seminar 2pm-3pm on Thursdays.
- September 14: Tianyi Yu, Analogue of Fomin-Stanley algebra on bumpless pipedreams.
- September 21: Jeremy Chizewer, The Sunflower Problem: Restricted Intersections.
- September 28: Kartik Singh, Closure of Deodhar components.
- October 5: Karen Yeats, Diagrammatic boundary calculus for Wilson loop diagrams
- October 12: Reading week, no seminar
- October 19: Vasu Tewari, Forest polynomials and harmonics for the ideal of quasisymmetric polynomials
- October 26: David Wagner, Higher-order correlation inequalities for random spanning trees.
- November 2: Jeronimo Valencia, Snake decompositions of lattice path matroids.
- November 9: Spencer Daugherty, Extended Schur functions and bases related by involutions.
- November 16: Alejandro Morales, Linear relations and Lorentzian property of chromatic symmetric functions
- November 23: Jason Bell, Filtered deformations of commutative algebras. Note, no pre-seminar this week
- November 30: Kelvin Chan, Polarization operators in superspace