Algebraic and enumerative combinatorics seminar

We view algebraic combinatorics broadly, explictly including algebraic enumeration and related asymptotic and bijective combinatorics as well as algebraic combinatorics as it appears in pure algebra and in applications outside mathematics.

We begin with a pre-seminar which is designed to get participants up to speed on useful and interesting background for the talk. It will be at the level for beginning grad students. Then there will be a short coffee break followed by the seminar itself.

Our audience consists principally of combinatorics faculty and grad students. Seminar talks are 50 minutes with questions following.

If you are speaking, we need your abstract at least a week in advance so it can make the deadline for the Friday math faculty seminar mailing.

Spring 2025

The regular seminar location is once again MC 5479. The regular seminar time is


Winter 2025

The regular seminar location is once again MC 5479. The regular seminar time is


Fall 2024

The regular seminar location is MC 5479. The regular seminar time is


Spring 2024

The regular seminar location is MC 5479 (changed from the first two weeks). The regular seminar time is


Winter 2024

The regular seminar location is MC 5479. The regular seminar time is


Fall 2023

The regular seminar location is MC 6029. The regular seminar time is
