Hepp bound reading group

Fall 2020, for a learning seminar, we are having a short reading group on Erik Panzer's Hepp bound.

We will meet Mondays at 11:30 by zoom because of coronaviruses. Email Karen for the link.


October 19
Nick Olson-Harris (beginning of section 2)
October 26
Simone Hu (rest of section 2)
November 2
Steven Santoli (section 3 overview)
November 9
Karen Yeats (key proofs from section 3)
November 16
No learning seminar on account of Dirk's birthday conference
November 23
Morgan Ge (beginning of section 4)
November 30
Simone Hu (section 5 and start of section 6)
December 7
Karen Yeats (rest of section 6)
December 14
Nick Olson-Harris (proofs from section 4)


  1. Erik Panzer, Hepp’s bound for Feynman graphs and matroids.

Previous learning seminars

Learning seminars from my time at Simon Fraser University. (I wonder how long these links will work.)

Older seminars on more motivic topics from when I was at Boston University. There are many broken links, but I consider these archived and so they will not be changed.