The first three Bests came to Ireland from Hanover with King William and served with him in the war of 1690. When the war was over they got grants of land. JamesBest settled near Newry in Ashurary. Valentine settled near Portadown. John Best went to England. Valentine�s family was scattered but some of them became wealthy, being possessed of real estate and ships at sea.
James Best had four sons - Valentine, William, James and John, and one daughter named Rachel. She was married to Patrick Best from Portadown and had one son named William. He had one son named David, who came to Canada and died in Clark, leaving three sons.
James the second had three sons - David, James, and William. David and James came to Emily. William remained in Ireland until he died, leaving one son there still.
John Best had three sons, who came to Canada and settled in the County of Frontenac, some where back of Kingston.
Valentine, son of James the first, had five sons and two daughters - Valentine, Thomas, John, David, Willaim, and John died in Ireland. His family came to America and settled in Hartford. One went to Chili.
Thomas, Valentine, and William also came to America. Valentine and William had no children left. Thomas had three sons - Alexander, Valentine and John, who settled in Danville, Pennsylvania. David Best and family came to Canada in 1819 and settled in Emily. They were composed of four sons and two daughters, namely, William, Thomas, Samuel, John and David, daughters Nancy and Ann Jane. David and his family are all dead except the writer of this brief sketch. His grandchildred are comfortably settled and connected with the church of their fathers.
Emily, 1876. "William Best" E.E.B.